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DFD: 494 vs. 217, 935 vs. 555
Fight 1
Super weapons on infantry are a great way to achieve... well, stuff. For some super weapons like Airstrikes or Psychic Reveal this might make sense.

A tank that can only fire northward would be a great tactical asset indeed. Even if the enemy captured it, he won't be able to shoot at you. Unless you're on the map's upper border. But still... yes. Ok, for tech structures or pre-placed map cannons that are protecting a narrow valley this makes sense. If you got behind them, you can capture them easily. You could create the cannons as seen in RA3 on the large platforms in the sea. FireDir.

Fight 2
Delayed damage spread might work with some kind of state machine that remembers which units are to hit when. Then there wouldn't even be a performance hit. The valid value range should not be the limiting factor as it is easily possible to invert SpreadRate to SpreadDelay as an AnnoySumo proposed. The values would be nice little integers then.

Patriot style burst looks cool and powerful. It might not be as easy to actually restore the functionality as RA2 and FS are branches of the same engine and they might not share this bit.

I can't make out a winner by arguments. Both issues are ok and both propose valid expansions of existing game logic. Bare numbers indicate the BurstDelay is wanted more, here and in the tracker.

Messages In This Thread
DFD: 494 vs. 217, 935 vs. 555 - by Renegade - 22.07.2010, 20:25:51
RE: DFD: 494 vs. 217, 935 vs. 555 - by Beowulf - 23.07.2010, 01:28:40
RE: DFD: 494 vs. 217, 935 vs. 555 - by Blade - 23.07.2010, 11:06:34
RE: DFD: 494 vs. 217, 935 vs. 555 - by MRMIdAS - 23.07.2010, 21:29:07
RE: DFD: 494 vs. 217, 935 vs. 555 - by Nighthawk - 24.07.2010, 13:15:53
RE: DFD: 494 vs. 217, 935 vs. 555 - by Renegade - 27.07.2010, 03:21:57
RE: DFD: 494 vs. 217, 935 vs. 555 - by AlexB - 30.07.2010, 01:26:36
RE: DFD: 494 vs. 217, 935 vs. 555 - by Renegade - 06.08.2010, 00:43:00
RE: DFD: 494 vs. 217, 935 vs. 555 - by DCoder - 06.08.2010, 06:29:12
RE: DFD: 494 vs. 217, 935 vs. 555 - by Renegade - 06.08.2010, 06:40:40

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