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DFD: 564 vs. 275, 732 vs. 331
#564 is useful if you're doing a campaign otherwise no. #275 allows on/off chrono monkeys with n00k banannas and laser eyes or on/off 'classic' mode where every unit is all-remap or whatever. Sounds fun IMO, sorry nighthawk.

#732 would allow you to stramline the use of AI and player infantry. Say I want to get a few platoons of mechanised (vehicle mounted) infantry, as it's the best way to get a balanced loadout of firepower to a location. So in vanilla I select 6 APCs, 12 Rocket soldiers, 6 Snipers and 18 GI/rifles. Then I painstakingly load them and... wait the battle finished 15 minutes ago and my enemy just destroyed my base. Damn!

Whereas with #732 *clicks 'Loaded APC' button 6 times* *does something else* *send them in!*. People should not lose because they have un-necessary micromanagement forced upon them, people should lose because they played badly.

Then we have #331... Last time I played a game with this mechanic it was a 3D Age of Empires knock-off that went from the middle ages to WWII. You had to manually buy V1s/V2s and it was really bloody irritating.

Messages In This Thread
DFD: 564 vs. 275, 732 vs. 331 - by Renegade - 22.07.2010, 20:28:25
RE: DFD: 564 vs. 275, 732 vs. 331 - by reaperrr - 23.07.2010, 01:27:51
RE: DFD: 564 vs. 275, 732 vs. 331 - by Beowulf - 23.07.2010, 03:09:36
RE: DFD: 564 vs. 275, 732 vs. 331 - by mt. - 23.07.2010, 03:54:50
RE: DFD: 564 vs. 275, 732 vs. 331 - by Blade - 23.07.2010, 13:00:15
RE: DFD: 564 vs. 275, 732 vs. 331 - by MRMIdAS - 23.07.2010, 20:54:26
RE: DFD: 564 vs. 275, 732 vs. 331 - by Nighthawk - 24.07.2010, 02:17:51
RE: DFD: 564 vs. 275, 732 vs. 331 - by Lt Albrecht - 25.07.2010, 15:13:07
RE: DFD: 564 vs. 275, 732 vs. 331 - by Orac - 26.07.2010, 12:31:07
RE: DFD: 564 vs. 275, 732 vs. 331 - by Renegade - 28.07.2010, 23:23:18
RE: DFD: 564 vs. 275, 732 vs. 331 - by Renegade - 06.08.2010, 04:47:36
RE: DFD: 564 vs. 275, 732 vs. 331 - by AlexB - 07.08.2010, 04:20:16
RE: DFD: 564 vs. 275, 732 vs. 331 - by Renegade - 07.08.2010, 06:48:07

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