23.07.2010, 05:40:11
Fight #1
Kill 400: This is a good idea, but all in all doesn't bring as much to the table as
Support 976: Being unable to customize aircraft reload times has been a bane of modders since TS. As I said in the original request- not all aircraft in mods are roughly the same thing like the Harrier/BEagle are in YR. Beowulf is correct. This allows for modders to better fine tune the balance of aircraft instead of just having "one ammo, tons of damage" or "useless due to huge reload time".
Fight #2
Kill 514: I can't see too many uses for it.
Support 640: Not exactly that great of a feature either, but for those who want to incorporate a little humor or flavor into their mod, this would be golden.
Kill 400: This is a good idea, but all in all doesn't bring as much to the table as
Support 976: Being unable to customize aircraft reload times has been a bane of modders since TS. As I said in the original request- not all aircraft in mods are roughly the same thing like the Harrier/BEagle are in YR. Beowulf is correct. This allows for modders to better fine tune the balance of aircraft instead of just having "one ammo, tons of damage" or "useless due to huge reload time".
Fight #2
Kill 514: I can't see too many uses for it.
Support 640: Not exactly that great of a feature either, but for those who want to incorporate a little humor or flavor into their mod, this would be golden.
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