14.07.2010, 20:53:54
Kill #719. This can be replicated with triggers and it's not even that useful of a function. There are serious flaws like maps where you can't deploy your MCV right away. That alone is enough to make this feature a complete waste of everyone's fucking time. #607 is much, much better so long as it doesn't become the default.
The second one is a bit tougher. #521 is a good feature, but can be done fairly easily through clever manipulation of the current setup. Even doable without Ares so I don't honestly see much point except for making shit easier on lazy people. As such, kill #521. #971 isn't a whole lot better though, but at least it allows for some customization among sides, which is a more worthy effort.
The second one is a bit tougher. #521 is a good feature, but can be done fairly easily through clever manipulation of the current setup. Even doable without Ares so I don't honestly see much point except for making shit easier on lazy people. As such, kill #521. #971 isn't a whole lot better though, but at least it allows for some customization among sides, which is a more worthy effort.
I'm what Willis was talkin' about.