22.09.2008, 22:22:02
Not everyone wants a single plane packed to the brim, and that goes against the original logic... I can't think of a way to enumerate multiple planes and contents short of Paradrop.Country.Plane1Units = , Paradrop.Country.Plane2Units = and so on, with Paradrop.Country.PlaneCount ... but that would be a real bitch to code and a lot of memory taken up. Though I'm pretty sure I can get rid of the two separate lists for units and counts internally, that still leaves
, which is rather crazy.
What about the suggestion in the issue I linked to, where you just define taskforces/teams to invoke instead of enumerating each plane, e.g. Country.Taskforces = a, b, c, d ; ? That would reduce internal storage to which is reasonably simpler. Though getting that to work will prove hard still...
 countries planes units
Vector< Vector< Vector< TechnoTypeClass*> > >
What about the suggestion in the issue I linked to, where you just define taskforces/teams to invoke instead of enumerating each plane, e.g. Country.Taskforces = a, b, c, d ; ? That would reduce internal storage to
 countries teams
Vector< Vector< TeamTypeClass *> >