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Ares Testers....
with reference to RockPatch2 Home.

DCoder posted "Wanted: Ares testers"
It links to a forum topic that doesn't exist. Is it still open?Wtf I hope it is, Coz I want to apply. (Anything For Ares!Tongue 2!)..

I have a lot of experience with INIs and I'm pretty confident in my abilities.
I can spend a lot of time in this and I can tolerate an Infinite number of IEs n all (Does this really matter?). And, I'm pretty confident I have the other requirements too. Tongue 2

So, what do you think DCoder?
ALL HAIL!!!! King of the Loosers
ugh.. Never mind..

[Image: 9c3cfb081d.png]

"Engine 2 is 'no longer' on fire." -One of those penguins from Madagascar (though, I can't seem to recall that guy's name.. Nay, who cares?)

Messages In This Thread
Ares Testers.... - by Tempest - 28.08.2008, 19:54:11
RE: Ares Testers.... - by DCoder - 28.08.2008, 20:19:42
RE: Ares Testers.... - by Tempest - 29.08.2008, 08:01:13
RE: Ares Testers.... - by hogo - 31.08.2008, 19:09:28
RE: Ares Testers.... - by DCoder - 31.08.2008, 19:23:22

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