26.01.2005, 20:08:52
Patches for many games also come with 'value added' features. The Dune2k patch came with extra MP units and maps for example and patches for many other games have provided additional maps and features. I was going to suggest integrating the official map packs into the patch just to make sure everyone has them. Making maps add themselves to the list involves leaving them as naked .yrm files in the directory which just adds clutter and also means that they look like a bolt on part of the package. It also stops the risk of map name collisions (where maps downloaded for players have the same name and the last one you played overwrites older ones) overwriting any maps included with the patch. Personally I don't consider a patch file of 10Mb large and didn't even when I was stuck on dial-up (I downloaded patches for halflife....huge patches if you are on dial-up).