31.01.2008, 22:52:13
Special for Blade: Map load order:
And more goodies for everyone:
- LoadWaypoints()
- Rules -> [Countries]
- Rules -> [General]
- ProgressBar_Update(3)
- Theater_Init();
- ProgressBar_Update(30)
- UI -> [Advanced(Multiplayer)?CommandBar]
- ProgressBar_Update(31)
- Rules -> loadMisc()
- ProgressBar_Update(35)
- LoadGlobalAndLocalVariables()
- Load main rules data
- [Colors]
- [ColorAdd]
- [Countries]
- [Sides]
- Read the sections and prepare to load their data:
- [OverlayTypes]
- [SuperWeaponTypes]
- [Warheads]
- [SmudgeTypes]
- [TerrainTypes]
- [BuildingTypes]
- [VehicleTypes]
- [AircraftTypes]
- [InfantryTypes]
- [Animations]
- [VoxelAnims]
- [Particles]
- [ParticleSystems]
- [OverlayTypes]
- [JumpjetControls]
- [MultiplayerDialogSettings]
- [AI]
- [Powerups]
- [LandCharacteristics]
- [IQ]
- [General]
- Load data types for sections
- [Countries]
- [SuperWeaponTypes]
- [AnimTypes]
- [BuildingTypes]
- [AircraftTypes]
- [UnitTypes]
- [InfantryTypes]
- [WeaponTypes]
- [ProjectileTypes]
- [WarheadTypes]
- [BuildingTypes]
- [TerrainTypes]
- [SmudgeTypes]
- [OverlayTypes]
- [Particles]
- [ParticleSystems]
- [VoxelAnimTypes]
- MissionControl
- [Countries]
- LoadDifficulty("Easy")
- LoadDifficulty("Normal")
- LoadDifficulty("Difficult")
- [CrateRules]
- [CombatDamage]
- [Radiation]
- [ElevationModel]
- [WallModel]
- [AudioVisual]
- [SpecialWeapons]
- [Tiberiums]
- [Advanced(Multiplayer)?CommandBar]
- [Colors]
- ProgressBar_Update(45)
- -> [Houses]
- LoadPlayerHouse()
- ProgressBar_Update(50)
- ProgressBar_Update(58)
- AI -> [TeamTypes], map -> [TeamTypes]
- AI -> [ScriptTypes], map -> [ScriptTypes]
- AI -> [taskForces], map -> [TaskForces]
- map -> [Triggers]
- map -> [Tags]
- AI -> [AITriggerTypes], map -> [AITriggerTypes]
- ProgressBar_Update(60)
- Display_LoadMap()
- map -> [Tubes]
- BuildingTypeClass_ToTile()
- ProgressBar_Update(70)
- Rules -> [OverlayTypes]
- CellTypeClass_SetupCell()
- Rules -> [TerrainTypes]
- ProgressBar_Update(72)
- map -> [Units]
- ProgressBar_Update(74)
- map -> [Aircraft]
- map -> [Infantry]
- ProgressBar_Update(76)
- map -> [Structures]
- ProgressBar_Update(78)
- map -> [SmudgeTypes]
- if(GameMode == 5)
- TMCJ4F.INI -> Rules -> load()
- ProgressBar_Update(82)
- ProgressBar_Update(86)
- Beacon_LoadArt()
- ProgressBar_Update(90)
- ProgressBar_Update(96)
- ProgressBar_Update(98)
And more goodies for everyone:
- AI:
- Script Actions:
- Load Into Transport:
- tries to shove all units into the first unit of this taskforce, gives up as soon as that fails.
- tries to shove all units into the first unit of this taskforce, gives up as soon as that fails.
- Attack Enemy Structure, Move To Enemy Structure, ChronoSphere to Enemy Structure, Move To Friendly Structure:
- argument is the building's index in the [BuildingTypes] list, with one flag having four possible values:
- Values:
- Value 0 - pick structure whose position poses the least threat
- Value 1 - pick structure whose position poses the most threat
- Value 2 - pick structure which is closest to you
- Value 3 - pick structure which is the farthest away from you
- Value 0 - pick structure whose position poses the least threat
- In hexadecimal, the result is argument = flag * 0x10000 | buildingIndex.
- In layman's terms, at first the argument is the building's index. Add (Value * 65536) to the index to get the final argument you should use. This sets a theoretical limit of max 65536 (#0 - #65535) BuildingTypes in the game, should you feel insane enough to try that.
- Values:
- argument is the building's index in the [BuildingTypes] list, with one flag having four possible values:
- Load Into Transport:
- Script Actions:
- Maps:
- [Waypoints]
- Up to 702 waypoints are loaded. Unlike most objects, they are index-sensitive (meaning waypoints named 0= .. 701.. are loaded).
- Up to 702 waypoints are loaded. Unlike most objects, they are index-sensitive (meaning waypoints named 0= .. 701.. are loaded).
- [Map]
- An undocumented flag Fill= can be set to either "Clear" (default value) or "Water". When any cell's contained tile is not explicitly set in [IsoMapPack*], it will be left with the default tile of that tileset. Meaning, the old TS "trick" of deleting [IsoMapPack5] could yield a blank water-filled map with smaller filesize.
- An undocumented flag Fill= can be set to either "Clear" (default value) or "Water". When any cell's contained tile is not explicitly set in [IsoMapPack*], it will be left with the default tile of that tileset. Meaning, the old TS "trick" of deleting [IsoMapPack5] could yield a blank water-filled map with smaller filesize.
- Actions
- Action 109 - FireIronCurtain: radius hardcoded, all objects within the target cell or the 8 surrounding cells are IronCurtained.
- [Waypoints]
- Art:
- [Animations]
- Some flags whose effect is not quite clear: RunningFrames = , StopSound = (well, this one is obvious..).
- BuildingTypes
- DemandLoad = if set, the SHP will not be cached on map load, but loaded from disk when needed.
- DemandLoadBuildup = -''- buildup
- Buildup = cannot exceed 15 chars , is not interpreted as an animation, but as a filename
- If NewTheater is set, theatre-specific art is only loaded if the building's ID starts with a letter and the second letter is either 'a' or 't'.
- Theatre = if set, the SHP is assumed to have a theatre-specific extension (.tem, .sno, etc) instead of .shp.
- TurretAnim = Won't load turret unless its name has a substring 'TUR' (case-insensitive).
- DemandLoad = if set, the SHP will not be cached on map load, but loaded from disk when needed.
- VehicleTypes
- If the unit's ID is [APC], 'W' is appended to its Image= and that file is loaded as turret art. Haven't yet found how to actually trigger its display.
- If NoSpawnAlt is set, 'WO' is appended to its Image= and that is loaded as turret art.
- If the unit's ID is [APC], 'W' is appended to its Image= and that file is loaded as turret art. Haven't yet found how to actually trigger its display.
- [Animations]
- Rules:
- [General]
- CliffBackImpassability = only really works when set to 2. Assumes all cliffs are 4 cells high.
- VeinholeMaxGrowth = the game still allocates 8 bytes * this value for each veinhole present.
- CliffBackImpassability = only really works when set to 2. Assumes all cliffs are 4 cells high.
- [OverlayTypes]
- A lot of this functionality is index-sensitive. Overlays with indices 24 and 25 are assumed to be high concrete bridges, 237 and 238 - high wood bridges, 167 - veinhole, 126 - veins.
- Veinhole Monsters still get constructed internally. I have just started looking into this part, but so far, each cell containing overlay index 167 invokes a veinhole construction, the eight cells surrounding it get overlaid with index 178 (veinholedummy), and, as mentioned above, 8 bytes * VeinholeMaxGrowth get allocated for that monster. At a quick glance, they can receive damage, grow, shrink, etc. If anyone feels like getting down and dirty to test this,that would be awesome.
- A lot of this functionality is index-sensitive. Overlays with indices 24 and 25 are assumed to be high concrete bridges, 237 and 238 - high wood bridges, 167 - veinhole, 126 - veins.
- [BuildingTypes]
- When runs out of ammo, ammo is instantly refilled, except if Hospital=yes or Armory=yes, in which case ammo is never reloaded. There you go, proof for the old Ammo bug documented at ModEnc->Ammo
- When runs out of ammo, ammo is instantly refilled, except if Hospital=yes or Armory=yes, in which case ammo is never reloaded. There you go, proof for the old Ammo bug documented at ModEnc->Ammo
- Common (InfantryTypes, VehicleTypes, AircraftTypes, BuildingTypes:
- MyEffectivenessCoefficient=, TargetEffectivenessCoefficient=, TargetSpecialThreatCoeffiient=, TargetStrengthCoefficient=, TargetDistanceCoefficient= can be set per-unit , if not set, the game will load the "MyEffectivenessCoefficientDefault=" and such from [General].
- (Elite)(Primary|Secondary)= get loaded if a unit's TurretCount is < 1. But (Elite)Weapon(0..17)= get loaded if a unit's WeaponCount is > 0. Which means it's quite possible to assemble a unit that at first glance has both Primary and Secondary, but doesn't actually use them OR Weapon(0..17). Heh.
ClearAllWeapons = sets the object's (Elite)(Primary|Secondary) and (Elite)Weapon1 to blank, meaning the unit will only get weapons if it is an IFV and an infantry boards it. The weapons do remain loaded by the game as if loaded by a weedguy hack.
- If the unit uses Primary/Secondary, its weapon art data is taken from (Elite)(Primary|Secondary)FireFLH, (Elite)(P|S)(BarrelLength|BarrelThickness) . If it's a weapon switcher, weapon art data is loaded from (Elite)(Weapon0..17)(BarrelLength|BarrelThickness|TurretLocked).
- Only AlternateFLH0..4 are loaded, others are ignored.
- PowersUnit= indeed takes only one object, which is interpreted as a [VehicleType].
- DestroyAnim= takes a list of Animations, not just one.
- NaturalParticleSystem= can be used to define a particle system which apparently will be spawned with the building.
- NaturalParticleLocation= sets said particle system's position, most likely in leptons.
- DamageParticleSystems= and DestroyParticleSystems= can be used to define lists of Particle Systems for appropriate events.
- WeaponStages = should not exceed 6 or bad things will happen.
- (Elite)AirstrikeTeamType = takes a single name of an [AircraftType].
- Some flags whose effect is not quite clear: NoAutoFire = , AutoCrush =, Disableable = , RotCount = .
- MyEffectivenessCoefficient=, TargetEffectivenessCoefficient=, TargetSpecialThreatCoeffiient=, TargetStrengthCoefficient=, TargetDistanceCoefficient= can be set per-unit , if not set, the game will load the "MyEffectivenessCoefficientDefault=" and such from [General].
- [General]