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Bizzare campaign limit
As some of you know I'm trying to merge all the RA2 missions into YR to give 19 mission long campaigns, but I've run into a snag. While I've been able to get the progression to work fine for the Allied campaign, the soviet campaign starts to screw up when you beat mission 13. If you beat mission 13, instead of progressing to the next mission, it plays mission 13 again. If you use battlemd.ini to force the play of the next mission, you get an error saying unable to initiate map selection, mission 14 (or 15,16...etc) then plays again. I've even made sure its not the missions by making easy to beat test maps that allow me to blast through the progression, if the missions are early in the order, the progression is fine, if they occur after mission 13 they won't play. A hard code limit of 12 would make sense (since thats the number in the original game), but then why does the allied progression seem to work fine (at least to mission 16 anyhow which was as far as I tested it so far)? Could someone else test this just to rule out it being a problem with my mapselmd.ini although I have looked over it about half a dozen times and can't see anything that might cause a problem.
I tested both campaigns to the end when I merged them myself, just after passing them off to you, and they worked fine... I used completely original file/section names even - (A|S)##DC.(map|pal|shp) .
Maybe it's a bug in my converted maps (I might have fixed something seemingly trivial after sending them off, can't really say)? Do those same maps work otherwise? Has anyone else reported this in your public beta?

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Main MapSelection code was missing in YRUnhappy
About hard code limit - it can be
ARM forever - x86 sucks!

Its probably something I've done then, there were no reports on it from the last beta. Someone told me about mission 6 of the allies, which has a problem where a structure is made part of UC in the old way and its weapons aren't defined so it IE's but nothing to do with soviet progression. Besides it does it even if I replace the maps with placeholders and the maps play fine otherwise. Who knows how I've screwed this up then Unhappy
Can we see your campaign control INI codes then?

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Here are the 3 .ini files for campaign progression.

Attached Files
.zip   campaign ini (Size: 4.73 KB / Downloads: 417)
mapselmd.ini #469:



I really should focus more on finishing that ini editor of mine, so such problems are easier to catch... Tongue

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Thanks, looks like it was a case of 'can't see for looking'.
that stuff happens all too often, sometimes you just need a second pair of eyes.

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