I develop a modding tool "Yuri's Revenge INI Editor".
Some program screenshots:
![[Image: 1.jpg]](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_-GHT-kgNuYI/Tdv-z8Z63pI/AAAAAAAAAM4/qq6hTi_VK7M/1.jpg)
List of sections and child sections or section properties, can jump to section with a button on editing grid.
![[Image: 2.jpg]](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_-GHT-kgNuYI/Tdv-zq5yl0I/AAAAAAAAAM0/kp6GQpOWoe4/2.jpg)
Advanced find section tool with wildcard supporting (startwith / endwith), default search any section name contains a keyword.
![[Image: 4.jpg]](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_-GHT-kgNuYI/Tdv-zaEQmSI/AAAAAAAAAMw/nY-eA0Z4mgs/s800/4.jpg)
Edit property easily with auto complete popup dialog (customizable by config.ini)
![[Image: 5.jpg]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_-GHT-kgNuYI/Tdv-z3W0IaI/AAAAAAAAAM8/PJRv2i5LyLI/5.jpg)
Predifined template supporting for quick creating a new section
![[Image: 3.jpg]](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_-GHT-kgNuYI/Tdv-zxxKpAI/AAAAAAAAANA/br69T1sVsio/3.jpg)
Main program commands:
Filter -> filter property / section displayed in editing grid
Goto section -> goto current editing section
Auto Complete -> popup available values of selected property
Find Section -> find section with wildcards
Clone Section -> copy all properties of current to new section
Copy Properties -> copy selected properties to other section
Merge Properties -> copy all properties to other section
Copy INI Code -> copy ini code of selected / all properties to clipboard
Show INI source
Insert INI code -> insert ini snippet to current source and reload
Clear Property Value -> clear selected / all propertie values of current section
A program customization data, some snippets:
[rulesmd] -> define a schema for rulesmd.ini
@General=node -> indicate General section show in left panel
@BuildingTypes=list -> indicate BuildingTypes show in left panel and auto reorder child sections, display "jump to section" button in a editing grid
(*)/Owner=multiple(@Countries) -> indicate Owner property of any section has popup dialog showing all values in Countries section
(*)/ToProtect=boolean -> indicate a boolean (yes/no)
(*)/Primary=single(@All) -> @All token mean "All section names"
syntax: multiple(@SectionName1, value1, value2, @SectionName2) => popup multiple values selecting dialog
syntax: single(@SectionName1, value1, value2, @SectionName2) => popup single value selecting dialog
Section or property matching can be regular expression.
Ex: (*)/Weapon\d+= => match Weapon1, Weapon2, WeaponX...
General/AICaptureWounded=number -> AICaptureWounded property of General section is number
[rulesmd.template] -> define a templates for rulesmd.ini
#Title=Building Type -> Text display in menu
[rulesmd.template] -> define a templates for rulesmd.ini
#Title=InfantryType -> Text display in menu
... and more ...
In order, the template menu item has shortcutkeys is Ctrl+1 -> Ctrl+0 and Ctrl+Shift+1 -> Ctrl+Shift+0 (total 20 items), >21th item has no shortcutkeys
Update 05/25/2011:
Now, the editor can validate INI code. Validation conditions store in config.ini. Download link changed.
[rulesmd.validation] => define a validation
Warheads/(*)=exist => all items in Warheads section must be existed
(*)/Primary=exist => all values of Primary property in any section must be existed
(*)/Warhead=exist(Warheads) => all values of Wardhead property must be existed in Warheads section
![[Image: 6.jpg]](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/_-GHT-kgNuYI/Td0KtmHWeeI/AAAAAAAAANQ/_DuT0ibbJbA/6.jpg)
Update 05/27/11 (Download link changed):
+ New menu INI, move some items from Edit menu to the INI.
+ New command Fill Series
+ Add color selector dialog
config.ini code: (*)/PropertyName = color
![[Image: 9.jpg]](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-eZdPOmEXPoE/Td8tm1r1cNI/AAAAAAAAAOU/LD-8EhT8od8/s720/9.jpg)
+ Section groupping / filtering
![[Image: 8.jpg]](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-hASrWep3ZzI/Td5WvZYi4fI/AAAAAAAAANo/Q2XDMmhSEMY/8.jpg)
Some examples:
@(*)=filter(mode=Basic & prerequisite=GACNST & title=Allied Buildings) => filter with basic mode, section must has prerequisite=GACNST, show title in list of sections
@(*)=filter(mode=Basic & prerequisite=GAPILE & category=Soldier & title=Allied Infantry)
@(*)=filter(mode=Basic & prerequisite=GAWEAP & category=AFV & title=Allied Units)
@(*)=filter(mode=Basic & prerequisite=GAYARD & title=Allied Naval)
@(*)=filter(title=All Weapons & projectile) => any section has projectile (no property value restriction)
@(*)=filter(title=Used Weapons & mode=Collect & property=Primary & property=Secondary) => collection all sections in indicated properties
General syntax:
filter(paramName1 = paramValue1 & paramName2 = paramValue2)
- Preversed parameter names: title, mode, test, property
- Other parameters are filter conditions, parameter has only name means value is optional.
- Parameter name can duplicate in some case.
+ Fix INI validation errors, config.ini code:
(*)/Projectile=exist => section of this property must be existed
(*)/Prerequisite=exist(!BARRACKS,!RADAR,!TECH,!PROC,!POWER,!FACTORY,!BASE) => check existing and ignore some ALIAS
(*)/Warhead=exist(Warheads) => must be exist in Warheads section
+ INI comparision
![[Image: 10.jpg]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-StQc5JwBE_I/Td8tmnFps3I/AAAAAAAAAOQ/S7IorYHzacI/10.jpg)
![[Image: 11.jpg]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-kRY5aWDQlzw/Td8tmnrRmyI/AAAAAAAAAOM/SCoyigyXrh4/11.jpg)
Next features: Replace property value.
Install / Requirements:
- No installation required
- Program run on Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, download here
- Download link
Program is still developing, please backup your ini file before edit by program.
Please report bugs / questions in this thread.
Thanks for your reading
Some program screenshots:
![[Image: 1.jpg]](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_-GHT-kgNuYI/Tdv-z8Z63pI/AAAAAAAAAM4/qq6hTi_VK7M/1.jpg)
List of sections and child sections or section properties, can jump to section with a button on editing grid.
![[Image: 2.jpg]](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_-GHT-kgNuYI/Tdv-zq5yl0I/AAAAAAAAAM0/kp6GQpOWoe4/2.jpg)
Advanced find section tool with wildcard supporting (startwith / endwith), default search any section name contains a keyword.
![[Image: 4.jpg]](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_-GHT-kgNuYI/Tdv-zaEQmSI/AAAAAAAAAMw/nY-eA0Z4mgs/s800/4.jpg)
Edit property easily with auto complete popup dialog (customizable by config.ini)
![[Image: 5.jpg]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_-GHT-kgNuYI/Tdv-z3W0IaI/AAAAAAAAAM8/PJRv2i5LyLI/5.jpg)
Predifined template supporting for quick creating a new section
![[Image: 3.jpg]](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_-GHT-kgNuYI/Tdv-zxxKpAI/AAAAAAAAANA/br69T1sVsio/3.jpg)
Main program commands:
Filter -> filter property / section displayed in editing grid
Goto section -> goto current editing section
Auto Complete -> popup available values of selected property
Find Section -> find section with wildcards
Clone Section -> copy all properties of current to new section
Copy Properties -> copy selected properties to other section
Merge Properties -> copy all properties to other section
Copy INI Code -> copy ini code of selected / all properties to clipboard
Show INI source
Insert INI code -> insert ini snippet to current source and reload
Clear Property Value -> clear selected / all propertie values of current section
A program customization data, some snippets:
[rulesmd] -> define a schema for rulesmd.ini
@General=node -> indicate General section show in left panel
@BuildingTypes=list -> indicate BuildingTypes show in left panel and auto reorder child sections, display "jump to section" button in a editing grid
(*)/Owner=multiple(@Countries) -> indicate Owner property of any section has popup dialog showing all values in Countries section
(*)/ToProtect=boolean -> indicate a boolean (yes/no)
(*)/Primary=single(@All) -> @All token mean "All section names"
syntax: multiple(@SectionName1, value1, value2, @SectionName2) => popup multiple values selecting dialog
syntax: single(@SectionName1, value1, value2, @SectionName2) => popup single value selecting dialog
Section or property matching can be regular expression.
Ex: (*)/Weapon\d+= => match Weapon1, Weapon2, WeaponX...
General/AICaptureWounded=number -> AICaptureWounded property of General section is number
[rulesmd.template] -> define a templates for rulesmd.ini
#Title=Building Type -> Text display in menu
[rulesmd.template] -> define a templates for rulesmd.ini
#Title=InfantryType -> Text display in menu
... and more ...
In order, the template menu item has shortcutkeys is Ctrl+1 -> Ctrl+0 and Ctrl+Shift+1 -> Ctrl+Shift+0 (total 20 items), >21th item has no shortcutkeys
Update 05/25/2011:
Now, the editor can validate INI code. Validation conditions store in config.ini. Download link changed.
[rulesmd.validation] => define a validation
Warheads/(*)=exist => all items in Warheads section must be existed
(*)/Primary=exist => all values of Primary property in any section must be existed
(*)/Warhead=exist(Warheads) => all values of Wardhead property must be existed in Warheads section
![[Image: 6.jpg]](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/_-GHT-kgNuYI/Td0KtmHWeeI/AAAAAAAAANQ/_DuT0ibbJbA/6.jpg)
Update 05/27/11 (Download link changed):
+ New menu INI, move some items from Edit menu to the INI.
+ New command Fill Series
+ Add color selector dialog
config.ini code: (*)/PropertyName = color
![[Image: 9.jpg]](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-eZdPOmEXPoE/Td8tm1r1cNI/AAAAAAAAAOU/LD-8EhT8od8/s720/9.jpg)
+ Section groupping / filtering
![[Image: 8.jpg]](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-hASrWep3ZzI/Td5WvZYi4fI/AAAAAAAAANo/Q2XDMmhSEMY/8.jpg)
Some examples:
@(*)=filter(mode=Basic & prerequisite=GACNST & title=Allied Buildings) => filter with basic mode, section must has prerequisite=GACNST, show title in list of sections
@(*)=filter(mode=Basic & prerequisite=GAPILE & category=Soldier & title=Allied Infantry)
@(*)=filter(mode=Basic & prerequisite=GAWEAP & category=AFV & title=Allied Units)
@(*)=filter(mode=Basic & prerequisite=GAYARD & title=Allied Naval)
@(*)=filter(title=All Weapons & projectile) => any section has projectile (no property value restriction)
@(*)=filter(title=Used Weapons & mode=Collect & property=Primary & property=Secondary) => collection all sections in indicated properties
General syntax:
filter(paramName1 = paramValue1 & paramName2 = paramValue2)
- Preversed parameter names: title, mode, test, property
- Other parameters are filter conditions, parameter has only name means value is optional.
- Parameter name can duplicate in some case.
+ Fix INI validation errors, config.ini code:
(*)/Projectile=exist => section of this property must be existed
(*)/Prerequisite=exist(!BARRACKS,!RADAR,!TECH,!PROC,!POWER,!FACTORY,!BASE) => check existing and ignore some ALIAS
(*)/Warhead=exist(Warheads) => must be exist in Warheads section
+ INI comparision
![[Image: 10.jpg]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-StQc5JwBE_I/Td8tmnFps3I/AAAAAAAAAOQ/S7IorYHzacI/10.jpg)
![[Image: 11.jpg]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-kRY5aWDQlzw/Td8tmnrRmyI/AAAAAAAAAOM/SCoyigyXrh4/11.jpg)
Next features: Replace property value.
Install / Requirements:
- No installation required
- Program run on Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, download here
- Download link
Program is still developing, please backup your ini file before edit by program.
Please report bugs / questions in this thread.
Thanks for your reading