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Rock Patch Crash Before Intro
PaD - I've already spoken to you about this before at SSF, but I thought I'd mention it here just to keep it in view:
Loknar Wrote:-For some reason, classic RA2 works fine on my PC, but YR doesn't. I've patched it, reinstalled it, rung up and emailed EA - nothing helps - the game just stops at the loading screen. Having modified the EXE, I would be grateful if you could offer any insights (better yet fixes) on why this is. My PC's specs are:
---P4 3.0GHz
---GeForce 5900 (latest drivers of course)
---80GB HDD
---52x CD Drive (not dual - I was thinking of other people there)
---Windows XP SP2
---I've tried it before and after SP2 and on every compatibility tool option available too - no luck. Also, using MSConfig to disable all those various startup files didn't help. I haven't tried a hardware profile to disable the GeForce, but I'm going to be really p*ss*d off if I have to restart like that every time I want to switch from YR to Dawn of War

I know you said it was probably hardware-related (any sites you could recommend for this side of things BTW anyone?), but considering how classic RA2 runs fine but YR doesn't, to me it sounds like WW screwed up the code somewhere between RA2 and YR. I'm wondering whether or not a simple copy & paste of the relevant RA2 code would do it (hey I don't know, I'm not a programmer Tongue )...
[Image: 29.png]
Hey That simmiler to a proble I have. On my old PC YR worked fine but on my new one I get an error before the intro movies are even played. I just ran your patch and enabled log. Ill post it here maybe one of you can understand it. Its all giberish to me. Here is also the stats for my pc. I shouldnt have any trouble meeting the min sys requirements. lol Any help or sudgestions would be greatly apreaciated.

CPU Info
CPU 1/1
Intel? Pentium? 4 CPU 3.20GHz 3.2 GHz

Display Device 1/1

RADEON X600/X550 Series Driver

Description RADEON X600/X550 Series
Manufacturer ATI Technologies Inc.
Total Local Video Memory 256 MB
Total Local Texture Memory 256 MB
Total AGP Memory 246 MB

Motherboard Info
Model Grantsdale
BIOS Vendor Phoenix Technologies, LTD
BIOS Version 6.00 PG
BIOS Release Date 03/18/2005
BIOS Properties Plug and Play, Flash
Available Rate 0x00000000
Selected Rate 0x00000000
Aperture Size 0 B
Sideband Addressing
Fast Write

Operating System Info
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP
Version 5.1.2600
Service Pack Service Pack 2

Hard Disk Info
Hard Disk Drive 1/1
Name WDC WD800JD-00LUA0
Manufacturer (Standard disk drives)
Capacity 74.53 GB
Model WDC WD800JD-00LUA0
Interface Type IDE
Guys, this thread/discussion is for development of the Rock Patch.
It's not for fixing other peoples problems with YR.
If your problem only occurs with the Rock Patch then that's okay to discuss here.

If you want pd to figure out your problems for you then you should send him a Private Message, not post in the public threads.
However, I can assure you that pd will ignore you. I would. As would most people. Why should he figure out your problems for you?
If you have a problem with YR, and you want everyone to help you, start a new thread (preferably in the correct forum/category).

pd most likely cannot help you anyway, given the nature of the error.

Have you tried to solve the problem yourself, or have you searched for other posts in other forums that describe your problem?
My bets are on: XP is on your new computer, not on your old.
Have you tried compatibility mode? If you haven't tried compatibility mode then you have not looked hard enough for solutions to your problem.

This should have been handled in PMs and the above two posts deleted.
But I'll leave that up to another, more experienced moderator.

Try and stay on topic people.
Ever wondered what the hell is going on?
Believe me friend you're not the only one.

Check out Launch Base for RA2/YR -
Also home to the Purple Alert mod, 1.002 UMP, and the YR Playlist Manager.
Ok Ok sorry that is was a bit off topic. I just saw it and thought since others where having the problem Id ask to see if others would know what was casusing the bug. And just so you know yes my old pc has xp to and have tried to fix it my self. I was just stating the odd problem Locknar came across isnt one isolated poblem.
Quote:Guys, this thread/discussion is for development of the Rock Patch.
It's not for fixing other peoples problems with YR.
If your problem only occurs with the Rock Patch then that's okay to discuss here.

I guess moderators exists to sort these kind of problems Wink.

This is a split from the over 1k posts topic.
Aside from compatibility mode, you can try Saberhawk's RA2/YR update (my sig > RedUtils link > file archive).

Worth playing: 1 | 2 | 3
I think i know problem with awrethien new computer.
It's to fast for YR, that happens on more comp, maybe i am wrong, but it is sometimes the problem.
The Ultimate War is begun!
B1E site
The Ultimate War
Both sites are Dutch

The Ultimate War is a mod where (nearly) every soldier and tank will be as a brutal one, and there's now an Eiffel Tesla Coil, and each side have 2 special soldiers or tanks, and 1 or more veteran things, so...prepare for the heaviest battle Tongue
Marshall - I was merely offering an idea for pd for the next RtB version Wink .

Also, I've tried compatibility mode - no luck, as well as RtB v1.06 and Saberhawk's update. I'll try the latter separately and play around the compatibility setting whilst using it to see if I can get a result Tongue . As I said in my original post though, it looks like the WW programmers screwed up somewhere, because classic RA2 works fine but YR does not :???: . Being exactly the same PC specs etc sorta makes be believe it's in the game code rather than the PC Wink .
[Image: 29.png]
Sorry if I sounded a bit aggressive. It's just it has been implied that the problem is because of the Rock Patch when it is in fact not related.

The trouble is, the game is getting old. It was not designed for XP or the various forms of modern hardware. As such, pd, or anyone else, most likely won't be able to do a thing about it.
compatibility mode is usually the key with XP and Yuri's Revenge.
Ever wondered what the hell is going on?
Believe me friend you're not the only one.

Check out Launch Base for RA2/YR -
Also home to the Purple Alert mod, 1.002 UMP, and the YR Playlist Manager.
Marshall;date=Oct 24 2005, 10:32 PM;post=1843 Wrote:The trouble is, the game is getting old. It was not designed for XP or the various forms of modern hardware. As such, pd, or anyone else, most likely won't be able to do a thing about it.

Being one of those wonderful people who knows so little about what goes on inside the .exe, I'd still like to see if someone who does know what they're on about can take a look at the classic and YR code - like I said, if the original runs fine but the expansion doesn't, logically it seems to me that the problem must lie in the code...
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It's more likely due to XP itself. XP is very moody, and the effort needed to make RA2/YR (or almost any older software, for that matter) run on it varies in each PC.

Worth playing: 1 | 2 | 3
Ok thanks for the link that was able to get YR to run on my new PC. Well I guess Im stuck with using the Rock patch on my old pc, but at least I can make maps and test them on my faster computer. ^_^
That's a point - I wonder if pd can make his patch compatible with the XP patch for YR...?
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From what I have read before I dout it because the compatibility patch alows you to use copied CDs. If I rember correctly he has very harsh feelings tords such things.

Though something that may be unrelated has any one had any problems with the RMB button in skermish? If no one else has dont worry about it.
It's actually legal to do that in the UK you know - Parliament allows you to make a backup of software in case something happens to the original CD Wink .
And regardless of that, these patches seem to be the best hope for me playing YR again, so I would kinda like to it working again Tongue lol...
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