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Request Project Beta
Has anyone got a copy of Project Beta they could upload? Can't find it anywhere.
I probably have it from the backup I have of the website from C-Gen. I was going to rebuild it for LaunchBase at some point as is, though development has pretty much stalled since I can't be bothered doing the needed map scripting to bring more SP missions online.
Well if you could and wouldn't mind I'd love just a copy of the normal version for now. I sent you a PM yesterday with my email in if you need it. Its the singleplayer campaigns I want to nose at about certain coding in the battle ini
What "specific coding" do you need? Battlemd.ini is quite simple to edit.

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Basically this:
I want to intergrate the RA2 campaigns the same way he did his. So, which Ini's need editing. I know how to do BattleMD but isn't their a couple of INI's that need changing. I if I remember correctly they need editing in FA2 aswell don't they because certain stuff doesn't work?
You'll need to adjust house numbering in the event/action scripting of the RA2 maps. And you'll need to read ModEnc for campaign progression coding.

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I documented what events, action and other stuff used the country number, any that use 9 or higher need to be +1 (see attached file). You also need to fix any actions or scripts that call an animation above a certain number as well since one original YR ini coder fucked up the animations numbering relative to RA2. You will also need to remove the RA2 UC weapons from any buildings listed in the maps and if you want them to play as they would have done in RA2, there is a list of suggested ini additions to each map to ensure this.

Attached Files
.zip   RA2 fix (Size: 1.09 KB / Downloads: 431)
Oh, that brings back memories... did you base this on those translated maps I sent you, or make it separately?

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thankyou very much blade. sorry if i seemed imaptient or rude or anything before.
I started documenting which actions and events used the country number while I was still trying to do it manually, but that file was a work in progress that I expanded as I integrated the campaign after you did the translated maps for me.

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