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Map Editing Help
Umm I'm admittedly a newb, so if these questions have been asked too many times then I apologize in advance. I've read ModEnc but I still want to know:

1. Does the RailGun particle system work if I just set Damage= to some value but AmbientDamage= to 0? In other words can I create a RailGun weapon that only looks like a RailGun but works like a laser?

2. What is "CowShot"? I can't get a cow into an IFV... Can someone explain?

3. I have a building with Boris's [Flare] weapon, but when I attack something, it does not give an Air Strike cursor, even though I haven't modified anything on [Flare] except its Range.

4. Is it possible to make [Flare] target ships, for instance?

1. Try it? Can't imagine why it wouldn't.
2. It's what you get when you put a president into an IFV. It's supposed to be an easter egg, but wol/xwis losers have turned it into a massive cheat.
3. Yeah, the Airstrike (and Sabotage) cursors only work when fired by infantry and targeting buildings. Will be corrected in Ares someday.
4. Airstrike targeting is inconsistent in the game code, if it's a secondary weapon it can only target buildings, otherwise it can target aany object, but the actual airstrike will not trigger unless you're targeting a building... So, no, not yet.

Worth playing: 1 | 2 | 3
Ah. Thanks so much for your help.

*hurries off to make a President IFV*

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