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What lurks in the demo [SPOILERS]

Guess what. The demo contains the full game's string file, with all the texts like unit descriptions, mission objectives, and the rest. And, well, judge for yourselves.
File "cnc3.str" is attached, just renamed to "cnc3.txt" for simplicity's sake, since it's just text anyway. Enjoy.

.rar   cnc3.rar (Size: 141.19 KB / Downloads: 565)

GDI campaign story: Nod attacks Goddard Space Centre which houses GDI's A-SAT (anti-missile defense systems). With those out of order, Nod's Nuclear Launch Facility in Cairo blows up Philadelphia. Thus starts the Third Tiberium War. Then you get to:
  • defend Pentagon
  • take back Langley Air Force Base
  • destroy Nod's presence in Hampton Roads Naval Facility (actually, take a Commando and wipe out some stuff so that GDI Battleships can annihilate the place)
  • liberate The White House
  • destroy Nod facilities in Casabad and Port of Alexandria (Egypt)
  • eradicate the Cairo Nuclear Launch Facility
  • watch two GDI acting commanders bitch at each other
  • beat up Nod bases in Croatia and Albania to approach Sarajevo
  • see an Ion Cannon wipe out "Temple Prime" (Sarajevo) and trigger that nice Liquid Tiberium Bomb Kane had inside
  • watch the Aliens arrive (Munich, Germany)
  • fight the Aliens across Central Europe (Stuttgart, Cologne, Danzig, Berne)
  • see the Aliens start building some weird towers in the Red Zones
  • destroy one of the towers (in Rome)
  • choose your path (this is actually interesting - the commanders are still arguing):
    1. Attack and destroy the Alien Control Node
    2. use the Liquid Tiberium Bomb against the Aliens, wiping out a lot of innocent stuff ("Pyrrhic Victory")

Nod story: Kane is missing (wow, didn't see that one coming) but returns almost immediately. You get to:
  • attack Goddard Space Centre
  • personally push the button and launch the aforementioned nuke towards Philadelphia
  • capture White House
  • assault Andrews Air Force Base
  • sink GDS Pathe, the only Aircraft Carrier GDI has left
  • take control of Hampton Roads
  • attack Washington again
  • defend Kane's labs in Brazil
  • watch GDI shoot down a transporter carrying the Liquid Tiberium Bomb from Brazil to Sarajevo
  • secure said transporter's cargo at the crash site in Slovenia and deliver it to Kane
  • watch GDI overrun Temple Prime followed by the Liquid Tiberium Bomb detonation
  • see a Nod commander bitch in Australia seize control of the Brotherhood claiming that Kane is dead
  • witness the Aliens arrive
  • intercept a GDI convoy carrying several Nuclear Warheads
  • observe said bitch ally with GDI to fight the Aliens and backstab GDI ... then help GDI flee the city overrun by the Aliens
  • see Kane return from the dead ... once again. And learn that he has foreseen everything ... yet again.
  • capture the traitor and watch her get court-marshaled
  • protect the Catalyst Missile Launch Facility from the Aliens, then use it against them
  • capture The Alien Key to unlock the Alien Tower in Rome
  • use GDI's and Aliens' weaponry to cause chaos in order to distract GDI while the Aliens build their Towers
  • see GDI annihilate most of said Towers
  • defend the last Alien Tower from GDI until it is completed
  • join Kane in the Tower("Ascension")

Alien story:
  • Land (London, UK)
  • "Destroy the structures known as 'Parliament' and 'Big Ben'"
  • "Destroy 'Buckingham Palace'"
  • Destroy Munich
  • Capture Nod's Research Centres in Croatia to find out how much they know about Tiberium/Ichor-LQ.
  • Build a Tower in Italy and summon a Mothership to evacuate your defeated arse

Videos: 22 for GDI, 27 for Nod and 5 for Aliens.
Missions: 17 for GDI, 17 for Nod and 4 for Aliens. The GDI and Nod ones are distributed across five "Theatres of War", with from 2 to 5 missions in each. This may look like a lot, but realise that a fair share of those missions are small and pretty repetitive, for example, GDI's fourth Theatre has four missions and only spans the timeframe from the aliens landing to them starting to build those towers. That's three missions of civilian babysitting and urban warfare, plus one significant battle.

The units and other concepts are worth mentioning as well, ranging from sentient grenades (clearing out garrisons: "Even better, the grenades have minimal on-board AI and guidance and steer themselves right through windows") through six-wheeled artillery laser systems (woo, Prism Tank on steroids) that can overcharge each other OR the Obelisks of Light for even more range, to mechs which can destroy friendly vehicles and salvage their parts to upgrade themselves. Plus, GDI gets a male Commando (a crossbreeding of a Ghost Stalker and a Jump Jet Infantry) while Nod gets a female counterpart (Sniper Rifle + C4, creative).

I'll finish with some more interesting citations.

Regarding CABAL (titled "the Ghost in the Machine") : "One of the more unusual chapters of the second Tiberium War came to an explosive close yesterday as the GDI Corps of Engineers detonated what is believed to be the last remaining Cabal Bunker - the tube-filled underground lairs from which the rogue artificial intelligence waged brief war upon humanity.
Contacted for comment, retired war hero and former head of the Bureau of Mutant Affairs, Gen Paul Cortez, lauded for his role in Cabal's defeat, dismissed his fallen foe as "...a second-rate EVA with a goatee and a Napoleon complex." Cortez also claimed to have refused a GDI invitation to attend the detonation ceremony, citing his opposition to the current leadership's controversial Tiberium containment policy and "weak kneed" approach to the Brotherhood of Nod.
Rumors that this particular bunker displayed evidence of human or humanoid life forms in suspension capsules were quickly dismissed by GDI spokesperson Arlene Shepherd..."

Conflicting reports about Tacitus: "Early reports indicate that the engineer was able to communicate in a rudimentary fashion with the walker's control entity by utilizing decryption programs similar to those found in the Tacitus, the alien artifact decoded by GDI several decades ago." ... "If this is true, we should consider the Tacitus our most valuable military asset. We must somehow find a way to unlock its secrets."

Alien Origins: "The transmissions recorded from the invasion force seem to be patterned in a similar way to the data structure in the Tacitus. This leads us to believe that the invaders are the Scrin, or perhaps some faction thereof. It is clear upon closer examination that this invasion force demonstrates acute differences from the source of the Tacitus in dialect and physical form. Perhaps they shared some distant connection, or there was some ancient contact between their cultures?
One transmission we decoded using our most advanced decryption computers indicated alien chatter regarding another alien race they had previously encountered. We were unable to translate the word for the other alien race, but the encryption computer returned the terms brother, ascended, enemy and Scrin. This casts some confusion on the nature of the invaders, as they share a multitude of attributes with what we have come to know as the Scrin. It seems unlikely that this is the very same alien race that brought the Tacitus to Earth, but the connection is undeniable."

© still alive: "Unauthorized reproduction of this text will be met with the harshest possible penalties, under the GDI anti-piracy convention of 2017"

Modern day ninjas: "...GDI troops are coming up against their worst nightmare in the field: Teams of stealthy, flying, high-tech ninjas that can destroy entire buildings. Commanders charged with defensive operations are advised to double up on stealth countermeasures and patrols..."

Nod Avatar Mech: "You have the privilege of piloting one of the most fearsome and capable weapon systems in the arsenal of the Brotherhood. You command a bipedal combat walker that stands ten meters tall, an all-terrain war machine so intimidating that its very presence on the battlefield strikes fear into the hearts of GDI troops.
The base laser weapon on the Avatar is very effective against vehicles and structures, but the Avatar can be upgraded with significantly more combat power. Nod engineers have built a unique capability into the Avatar: It can adapt key systems from other Nod vehicles for its own use. You can remove the stealth generator from a Stealth Tank, the stealth detector from an Attack Bike, the anti-infantry flame-thrower from a Flame Tank, or the beam cannon from an artillery vehicle and use them immediately. An Avatar can equip itself with all four secondary systems. Although the Avatar destroys the donor vehicle and kills the crew in the process of recovering the new system, rest easy in the knowledge that the dead have given their lives for the Brotherhood."

Nod's attitude towards Aliens: "The Visitors are divine instruments. They are not divine in their own right but because of what they are doing for us, building the sacred towers in the hearts of our Red Zones. The Visitors remain hostile to us because they know not what they do; their vision is limited and they cannot see their own part in a Plan that goes beyond their purpose.
No member of the Brotherhood shall take hostile action against the holy sites where the towers are rising out of the Red Zones. Defensive action against Visitors showing hostile intent is understandable, but do not strike first.
Be aware that GDI is conducting military operations against the Visitors all over the world. Such operations help our cause if they keep the Visitors distracted - but if GDI threatens a tower then we must intervene to help protect the sacred structure.
The towers are new homes of the Brotherhood, and their importance - and meaning - is transcendent. Treat them as you would treat your temple."

Alien internal memos: "... Prediction after Ichor LQ detonation: Ichor deposits at expected levels on entire planetary surface and no indigenous population (Probability of self-destruction or extinction due to Ichor growth at 97%+)
... Reality after Ichor LQ detonation: Ichor deposits immature, active Level IV/V civilizations inhabiting most of planetary surface, weapons technology factor at 17.4
... Hypothesis: Premature Ichor LQ detonation"

(after the Liquid Tiberium Bomb explodes) "... Hypothesis: Indigenous species detonated Ichor LQ device to lure harvesting operations
Why was this done? How was this done? What are the implications for the mission? What are the implications for the Overlord?
...Investigation at Ichor LQ detonation site overrides all other priorities"

"... Indigenous population aligned into two major factions
... These factions continued combat operations between them even as they were threatened with extinction by our initial attack
Indigenous population is warlike to the extreme - once Threshold activation is complete and gateway is open, entire indigenous population must be cleansed from the surface of the planet"

"... Threshold tower construction is the first stage of planetary Ichor extraction
... Thresholds are capable of extracting all Ichor within a large radius; Ichor will be processed and transferred to Hub
... Connection with Hub takes the form of an interstellar gateway capable of instantaneous matter transmission
... Threshold assemblies and signal transmitters will partially phase out once construction is complete; phasing will completely protect all Threshold structures and machinery against any form of geologic upheaval, sever weather phenomena, cometary impact, or use of conventional, nuclear, Ichor, or other forms of weaponry"

Something called "Marketing EVA":
  • "Commander, Nod forces are on the move. Be sure to get the latest intel by signing up for the Command & Conquer newsletter"
  • "This is EVA, and you're watching C&C TV"

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Quote:// context: Example text. DO NOT REQUIRE TRANSLATION


"Mary had a little lamb, its fleece as white as snow."



"And everywhere that Mary when, the lamb was sure to go."


lowered standards for hiring?

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