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Test 16 Bit SHP now!
Image To 16Bit SHP test version.
this program IS WORKING on Windows 2000 and higher :Smile
NOTE: you should not use 16bits SHPs in mods,because the format is  not declared Smile

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 30.64 KB / Downloads: 594)
ARM forever - x86 sucks!

awww, i was hoping to use it for a new loading screen in R:ROTC 0.4.3.

however since we plan to release first, its not a priority.

does that file include instructions? EG, how do i make a 16bit SHP?
- Test with a multiplayer loadscreen (I forgot to see the size of the PNG):
Classic SHP format (compression 3? I can't remember...): 231KB -> Works
SHP16 test format: 937KB -> Works

- Test with a cameo (I forgot to see the size of the PNG):
Classic SHP format (compression 3? I can't remember...): 2,84KKB -> Works
SHP16 test format: 5,65KB-> Works

- Test with a 800x600 screenshot of my desktop with detailed photos Tongue (.PNG -> 404KB) to be used as 1º game loadscreen:
Classic SHP format: ~180KB-200KB -> Works
SHP16 test format: 937KB-> Works

I haven't tested animated graphics but the unique problem that I see in this moment is the file size (and the things that aren't finished of the new format) Rolling eyes

Quote:does that file include instructions? EG, how do i make a 16bit SHP?
The GUI has little bugs (could be because in this moment isn't a priority) but is 100% functional:
1º) Button "Add" and search your image in those 3 available formats (a little hack to solve the problem to show the files on the window is write *.* & click "Enter").
2º) On "Destination file" text box select your filename ( for example: YourImage.shp) that will be saved the shp16 (is the classical "Save as...")
3º) Click on Convert
4º) Move the new Shp file into RA2 folder & use a fake .pal file (only if is required, cameos for example not need a pal file...)
5º) Run YR with/without your mod Smile
[Image: cncr_beta_download_2.png]
5 different armies: GDI, Nod, Allies, Soviets & Yuri... & converted TS Terrain!!
fake pal? what are you mean with that? should it have a special name or something?
i tihnk what he means is that graphics that require a pal file, such as loading screens should still have a pal file, although it won't be used.
EDIT: yes, is like Bobingabout said (sometimes I'm not "clear" with my comments, sorry Tongue )
[Image: cncr_beta_download_2.png]
5 different armies: GDI, Nod, Allies, Soviets & Yuri... & converted TS Terrain!!
2 issues with this, the tool dont export gif(only first frame) and shp builder dont know how to open these file but ingame works fine, i dont know what you mean with fake .pal but it works without it
TheMan Wrote:shp builder dont know how to open these file but ingame works fine, i dont know what you mean with fake .pal but it works without it

I opened OS shp builder 3.35 without problems (only that has problems with the palette).
About "fake .pal" is by the last text line (of the 1º window) when you open the CnCVK converter "in any case you need a dummy palette"
[Image: cncr_beta_download_2.png]
5 different armies: GDI, Nod, Allies, Soviets & Yuri... & converted TS Terrain!!
Quote:the tool dont export gif(only first frame)
as MS Paint...

Quote:I see in this moment is the file size
However you can compress your mod files using RAR Smile
ARM forever - x86 sucks!

i don't see a problem with file sizes. once you consider sounds, tripple for the SHPs is nothing.

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