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    Thread: Extending AI(md).ini - scripting
Post: RE: Feature discussion: Extending AI(md).ini - scr...

I always wanted a cooperative AI script. When in online multi play, players can used the beacon to alert their allies to send help. Is it feasble for a AI nation to compare an enemy attacking forc...
Dracaveli Ares General Discussion 31 65 069 20.06.2008, 02:29:23
    Thread: some AI work
Post: RE: I did it! I got (some) teams with multiple tra...

:notworthy: "Usemindefenserule=" is exactly what it says....when this is set to true or yes, you force the AI to have a min defense refuses to build any offensive units until it meets ...
Dracaveli Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge Editing 7 14 130 22.07.2007, 13:01:46
    Thread: some AI work
Post: RE: some AI work

+131072 ?= goes to the building that the team is currently closest to yes this is true, I posted about this a while back about your two transport Idea, looks promising, but I pretty much gave up...
Dracaveli Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge Editing 7 14 130 20.07.2007, 07:05:50
    Thread: NPatch
Post: RE: NPatch

VK Wrote: -- Quote: -- I have to ask did you fix the self destruction phase (if possible) -- Copyprotection? -- no, I brought my yuri and Red alert 2 along with tib sun/renegade..I have a legal cop...
Dracaveli Old RockPatch Discussions 24 55 855 15.07.2007, 18:32:33
    Thread: NPatch
Post: RE: NPatch

Since the MDK isnt working...I have to ask did you fix the self destruction phase (if possible)...being as it is a pain in single player vs AI, but also horried in multiplay online
Dracaveli Old RockPatch Discussions 24 55 855 15.07.2007, 05:50:38
    Thread: Sega Megadrive AKA Genesis
Post: RE: Sega Megadrive AKA Genesis

Only game I liked in the Shining Series was Shining in the was very comical but the first RPG I played on genesis was Dungens & Dragons: warriors of the enternal sun...I played that...
Dracaveli Nostalgiopolis 30 51 767 25.06.2007, 09:42:46
    Thread: The end of Rock Patch
Post: RE: The end of Rock Patch

Dracaveli News from the Battlefield 110 221 882 09.06.2007, 01:05:39
    Thread: Artillery Berserk AI (tough one... ?)
Post: RE: Artillery Berserk AI (tough one... ?)

"the equal or less than" works decently enough, but it does have problems with Ai defense when u have "2" building type's Lets say u create a Sov bunker fill team, the first one with house own's "1...
Dracaveli Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge Editing 1 5 104 26.03.2007, 05:46:09
    Thread: RPCE #0042
Post: RE: RPCE #0042

I must have bad Luck, I got both the Nuke crate IE, and the Black Screen IE Back to Back
Dracaveli News from the Battlefield 19 35 822 15.03.2007, 21:54:10
    Thread: RPCE #0042
Post: RE: RPCE #0042

It's also worth noting that IE's can happen to nukes upon launch as well with a unmodded, un rockpatched Red alert2/Yuri.. from the structure though, crate found nukes are not used
Dracaveli News from the Battlefield 19 35 822 14.03.2007, 10:11:46
    Thread: How to make good "pool" teams?
Post: RE: How to make good "pool" teams?

pool teams themselves are just built they dont follow a scripttype, it may seem like they do but in reality they just fill up the autocreate team which u select in the teamtype.... (my thinking is ...
Dracaveli Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge Editing 5 10 798 04.03.2007, 00:16:54
    Thread: How to make good "pool" teams?
Post: RE: How to make good "pool" teams?

editing the Ai can be a pain, making it work the way u want or wish comes  through trial and error.... creating AI defense teams are fairly easy, it's just offense that's quite tricky..I myse...
Dracaveli Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge Editing 5 10 798 18.02.2007, 13:30:02
    Thread: Game gives me an error upon start load
Post: RE: Game gives me an error upon start load

when i had a error like this during start up it had to do with a new C-yard
Dracaveli Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge Editing 20 34 522 06.01.2007, 04:35:28
    Thread: Unlagged graphics with ddraw driver for RA2/YR
Post: RE: Unlagged graphics with ddraw driver for RA2/YR

I used it and it did stop the lag created when my buildings are destroyed, however it didnt speed up the game by no means, it just stop the lag created when explosions running under win 98S...
Dracaveli Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge Editing 38 70 276 31.12.2006, 19:52:14
    Thread: Patching extra functionality into <gamemd.exe>
Post: RE: Patching extra functionality into <gamemd.exe>

@ the man: twin engine Cessna, and boeing 747:thumbsup: but has anyone considered the idea of fog of war....without doing the "each map route"
Dracaveli Ares General Discussion 1 748 3 424 946 02.12.2006, 13:45:40
    Thread: Super Weapons in 1.09
Post: RE: Super Weapons in 1.09

BaRaKa_ Wrote: -- @CnCVK: GeneticConverter, of course !:lol: @Vinifera7: [SPYP] .... Sensors=yes SensorsSight=255 => spy plane will reveal ALL cloaked units on the map ( unless they are under...
Dracaveli Old RockPatch Discussions 39 74 854 01.11.2006, 23:17:32
    Thread: Patching extra functionality into <gamemd.exe>
Post: RE: Patching extra functionality into <gamemd.exe>

original red alert, aftermath and counterstrike had it, the "F" button (formation) so units would move at the same pace as the slowest member in the team
Dracaveli Ares General Discussion 1 748 3 424 946 21.10.2006, 04:51:43
    Thread: Patching extra functionality into <gamemd.exe>
Post: RE: Patching extra functionality into <gamemd.exe>

I don't wanna be another annoying little twerp with a demand, but has anyone thought of including The Formation option back into the game like in red 1, would it be hard to include it?....if so then ...
Dracaveli Ares General Discussion 1 748 3 424 946 19.10.2006, 23:43:29
    Thread: Airstrike bug?
Post: This is the second time u told me to switch to a n...

This is the second time u told me to switch to a new game becuase i dont use yuri in yuri's revenge, Clearly u havent played online, F.Y.I if u pick yuri in custom match online u will be immedea...
Dracaveli Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge Editing 31 52 185 02.04.2006, 23:52:27
    Thread: Airstrike bug?
Post: Posting with my footr in my mouth.....i finally ca...

Posting with my footr in my mouth.....i finally caved and added in a airstrike, pretty surpised at the result, but still very hostile at a tank drop. ammo=(?) is the key
Dracaveli Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge Editing 31 52 185 06.03.2006, 22:44:47
    Thread: Increae brutal enemy from 8 to 10
Post: Is it possible to Increase the amount of brutal en...

Is it possible to Increase the amount of brutal enemy from the min of 8 to lets say 10, by having having 2 or 3 more (new countries) come in like they do on the chronosphere defense mission allied'...
Dracaveli Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge Editing 0 3 310 05.03.2006, 20:22:44
    Thread: Airstrike bug?
Post: Freudianism is for the young.

Freudianism is for the young.
Dracaveli Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge Editing 31 52 185 19.02.2006, 08:50:16
    Thread: Airstrike bug?
Post: recall C&C original GDI vs NOD, the reason why air...

recall C&C original GDI vs NOD, the reason why airstrike was in there because no side had planes, why would u need a airstrike sup weapon when u have buildalbe planes, thats ur airstrike right there, ...
Dracaveli Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge Editing 31 52 185 18.02.2006, 08:00:46
    Thread: Great Site
Post: First time member, Long time modder.hell i have fa...

First time member, Long time modder.hell i have faithfully played the C&C series since its debut on Sega Saturn.....(still have the game too) music score comes in handy....anyways keep up the good wor...
Dracaveli Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge Editing 1 5 001 10.02.2006, 10:06:36