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Soviet Dawn: Incursion - Printable Version

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Soviet Dawn: Incursion - Modder666 - 28.05.2010

After quite a bit of work, and a LOT of redoing stuff, I'm presenting Soviet Dawn: Incursion to RenegadeProjects. Heavily powered by Ares, I'm sure everyone here can appreciate a bit of mod advertisement. Tongue 2

[Image: incursion%20banner.png]
The banner that will be used on the site, the ModDB page, etc. until I change my mind about it. :v (credits: Joshy for the amazing logo)

[Image: infantrycameos.png]
The new cameo style for the infantry. An idea that Bolt developed led to the creation of these. The difficulty on determining the infantry from the background has already been fixed.

[Image: ai%20v3.png]
[Image: new%20american%20ai%207.png]
[Image: new%20american%20ai%205.png]
[Image: string%20edits.png]
The new AI will slash and burn you and your pathetic base. A lot of work has gone into the AI of Incursion, with multiple rewrites in order to get it to the level of satisfaction that should be seen in at least a beta-level product. There is no more easy difficulty either, instead the difficulty nob has been turned up a bit so more experienced players can still enjoy this mod offline. A few of the screenshots may show off a funky looking vehicle. It has been removed until further notice.

[Image: standard%20forces%20allies%20vehicles.png]
[Image: standard%20forces%20allies%20infantry.png]
Just the standard Allied crew. New tools of war for the Third War.

[Image: barracks.png][Image: airfield.png]
Some of the new buildings put into the mod. The barracks has no remap color issues, they are fixed.

[Image: new%20wall%20range.png]
[Image: forts.png]
For all you fortification fans, walls have extended range and Gates are in Incursion. Yes, those walls are stronger. No, it won't save you from the AI.

[Image: Ore%20Plant.png]
[Image: Ore%20Growth.png]
One of the problems in the last RC was the lack of funding for war. Ore growth has been increased phenomenally to help out maps with less ore. Added to the Allied armory is the Ore Plant. This building spawns ore for players in desperate need of money. Only one may be built, but it's still a massive help.

Any feedback is gladly accepted. I posted this in where I thought it was appropriate.

RE: Soviet Dawn: Incursion - Renegade - 28.05.2010

mmmm purrdy gates. Looks shiny, overall Smile Especially the new sidebars!

What particular Ares features did you use?

RE: Soviet Dawn: Incursion - Modder666 - 29.05.2010

Well, it's a big list.
- New countries
- Country customization
- Extensive use of the custom spy logic
- Survivor logic (Pilots from tanks and planes)
- Urban combat improvements, such as PassThrough
- New armors for hero infantry.
- Custom IFVs
- Wave customization
- EMP logic
- Ripple Effect
- [WeaponTypes]
- Cameo.Palette= (for the elaborate cameos)
- AI respecting ownership of objects

And as we get more features into Ares, I'll be using more of them. I also have other ideas (like the trenches and the raidable logic) for more awesome gameplay features / game modes.

RE: Soviet Dawn: Incursion - Professor_Tesla - 29.05.2010

Wow, it looks pretty awesome. As Renegade said, cool sidebars! Since you're using so many features, I'm sure it will be awesome as well Big Grin.

RE: Soviet Dawn: Incursion - Modder666 - 29.05.2010

Well, I posted about it here in an attempt to find some beta testers for a release candidate for a public Allied version.

Naturally, all beta stuff would be handled through the great LaunchBase program. Big Grin

RE: Soviet Dawn: Incursion - Electro - 30.05.2010

Wow, shiny awesome Smile