Old RockPatch Discussions
Pages: 1 2
- [split] VK's Blacklist (31 Replies)
- NPatch (24 Replies)
- Yuri's Revenge problem (2 Replies)
- Need help with RPCE (57 Replies)
- Where there is a working reference on Rock patch 1.10??? (3 Replies)
- Thoughts abaout ZPatch/SwizzlePatch (3 Replies)
- WTF is RockPatch? (21 Replies)
- Rock Patch 1.10 development thread (284 Replies)
- RPCE74 beta version - only for testing (37 Replies)
- Rock Patch 1.10 Preview (39 Replies)
- WHAT the hell is going on? #2 (30 Replies)
- WHAT the hell is going on? (56 Replies)
- Disable the 'all units blow up' anti-copy feature. (9 Replies)
- YR slowdown (39 Replies)
-   Reconnection errors (41 Replies)
- Handwritten assembler (20 Replies)
- Changes to Bugtracker config (2 Replies)
- Super Weapons in 1.09 (39 Replies)
- Terrain (12 Replies)
- antivirus problem with getlang.exe (11 Replies)
- Revision #0033 (4 Replies)
- Revision #0029 (8 Replies)
- Test 16 Bit SHP now! (9 Replies)
- I would like to help (19 Replies)
- Network Sync Error on Beacon Placement (split off Patching extra func...) (18 Replies)
- New RP version system (15 Replies)
- Farewell? (13 Replies)
- DROPSHIP in YR (32 Replies)
- We're all doomed. (2 Replies)
- Electricbolts (2 Replies)
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