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DFD-R3: 404 vs. 525, 1069 vs. 526
Fight 1
The AI doesn't know how to handle Siege Choppers. They aren't like the TS Artillery that auto-deploys when ordered to attack. And the AI cannot infer what a unit does. Where to deploy a unit? GIs and GGIs can be deployed as base defense, but Desolators obviously cannot. Tick Tanks and Artilleries can be used as base defense and to assault enemy bases. Artilleries are used as support, Tick Tanks are used offensively. Siege Choppers should deploy so the target is in range of the deployed weapon. M.A.D. tanks should not deploy too far outside the base, but near enough to still inflict damage - and never inside your own base. How can the AI know such things?

It is next to impossible to get the AI to know what a unit does. It might be easy to tell it to deploy everything that can be deployed into a building, but modders can easily create units that have side effects the AI is not aware of.

Update: If the request is calling to make units deployable with scripts, this may be possible, if it doesn't meddle with the original game or it might break something.

Different kinds of stealth are plausible and there is no guessing involved. This issue exists since Aftermath and its Phase Transport which was a cloakable APC, using the same logic as the submarines. In no C&C are submarines and stealth tanks used together and Westwood never expanded the logic. In mods this may happen and then it is limited as some of you pointed out and submarine-sniffing dogs are a good example of this wierdness. Thus: Stealth.

Fight 2
Phasing sounds interesting but may indeed overcomplicate the game. I don't know how many spots need to be changed to support phased units, but I can image it's a lot.

How many people would use this feature? According to the arguments here, not many. No use case named, but instead both issues are called "meh". Of two "meh" issues I chose the issue that's easier to implement: SuperAnimFour StartSound.

Messages In This Thread
DFD-R3: 404 vs. 525, 1069 vs. 526 - by Renegade - 11.08.2010, 01:34:38
RE: DFD-R3: 404 vs. 525, 1069 vs. 526 - by Blade - 11.08.2010, 14:41:49
RE: DFD-R3: 404 vs. 525, 1069 vs. 526 - by AlexB - 01.09.2010, 11:53:42
RE: DFD-R3: 404 vs. 525, 1069 vs. 526 - by DCoder - 03.10.2010, 20:37:13

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