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Compatibility: changes that affect unmodded game
The SecondaryFLH thingy works with Electric Bolts (I had a tank that fires a 135mm at ground enemies and an Electric bolt at air targets.. It fired them from the right FLHs..Big Grin)

I think the Passenger ejection thingy should default to yes (coz a majority of aircraft and vehicles should be able to eject them)

You can put warnings in MDKs and Installers (if any) or the Download Pages so that whoever is about to play Ares will be aware of this.. A modder can easily change his files to be compatible with Ares, others should be able to download the files necessary for compatibility (unmodded files with just the necessary fixes)
ALL HAIL!!!! King of the Loosers
ugh.. Never mind..

[Image: 9c3cfb081d.png]

"Engine 2 is 'no longer' on fire." -One of those penguins from Madagascar (though, I can't seem to recall that guy's name.. Nay, who cares?)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Compatibility: changes that affect unmodded game - by Tempest - 12.09.2008, 22:04:35

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