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Internal logics as pseudocode - worth posting or not?
I'm updating the repository bit by bit, and now I have a few questions: thus far, I've been posting simplified pesudocode that resembles C++, but isn't quite C++. I've been doing that to avoid the unnecessary complexity of C++ and focus on the actual algorithms. However, I have no way of assessing the readers' skill level in C++. Some of you might be familiar with it from high school/university, some might use it everyday, and some might not have seen it at all. So, I don't know if I should extend the quick reference to cover C++ basics like for/while/new ? Or should I stop dumbing it down and post it like it should be, full of gory scopes and dangling pointers? I'm asking because not understanding the way object functions work can lead to confusion and misinterpretations.

(Yes, I know my colorifications don't help that much. I'm not an artist, remember, that is a close approximation of what my IDE looks like.)

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Messages In This Thread
RE: Internal logics as pseudocode - worth posting or not? - by DCoder - 07.05.2008, 20:48:15

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