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Conversations with newbs (continued from the Bughouse)
A) The feature request of researches sounds like the sort of thing you're after:
B) The promised replacement for the Kennel Hack, which would allow for a whole bunch of things in the vein, sounds like the thing you're looking for (though I can't find it on the tracker atm, so lets just ignore that one for now Wink), although iirc Powerplants and defences can both be given seagoing variants in vanilla YR.
C) There are a few things you can to with boats, but most just run to bigger or smaller variants of the existing types. I'm not sure how you want to make boats more flexible, so I can't make any suggestions on things to read.

While ModEnc is pretty daunting if you are to just start at A and read all the way to Z, it is a really useful resource for referring to while coding.
Don't know what to do with TurretSpins? ModEnc.
Don't know what Verses means, and whether negative values do anything interesting? ModEnc.
Don't know the extents to which you can push the Desolator's logic? ModEnc.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Conversations with newbs (continued from the Bughouse) - by Orac - 03.04.2011, 06:21:06

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