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DFD-R3: 349 vs. 718, 765 vs. 429
Fight 1
This clearly goes to the air patrol feature. As most of you pointed out, it is better issue. Having a unit drop a create is not that bad. You could get money from destroying miners or a veterancy crate from destroying epic units, or getting a one-shot nuke from destroying a Demolition Truck, or whatever. Being able to let Harriers guard the ore until the next miner shows up is just as cool. The feature would also extend aircrafts' use as defensive force instead of them just being purely offensive.

Fight 2
I don't know what to do here. Both issues are good, with small glitches each. Super weapons should be extended to support something like this, but what if you want to provide a SW only if you capture the American radar, but not if a Brit builds it? You still have to have two buildings in that case (but this should be a rare special case, however).

Garrisoning a building bearing a weapon is a nice idea, but the OpenTopped logic would be an even larger step to take. Such buildings should be seldom, almost as seldom as the country-specific SWs, but the SWs can provide upgraded/downgraded versions for specific countries also.

As there is a remis here and all arguments of supporters and opponents are almost evenly spread out, and the issues in the tracker don't differ that much from each other comment-wise and supporters-wise.

I chose the SW.RequiredHouses and SW.ForbiddenHouses issue because I think it is more versatile and it would be more useful to modders.

Messages In This Thread
DFD-R3: 349 vs. 718, 765 vs. 429 - by Renegade - 11.08.2010, 01:42:28
RE: DFD-R3: 349 vs. 718, 765 vs. 429 - by mt. - 11.08.2010, 03:46:48
RE: DFD-R3: 349 vs. 718, 765 vs. 429 - by Speeder - 11.08.2010, 19:18:43
RE: DFD-R3: 349 vs. 718, 765 vs. 429 - by eva-251 - 11.08.2010, 19:48:50
RE: DFD-R3: 349 vs. 718, 765 vs. 429 - by MRMIdAS - 11.08.2010, 19:58:33
RE: DFD-R3: 349 vs. 718, 765 vs. 429 - by Beowulf - 11.08.2010, 21:57:50
RE: DFD-R3: 349 vs. 718, 765 vs. 429 - by AlexB - 03.10.2010, 01:21:33
RE: DFD-R3: 349 vs. 718, 765 vs. 429 - by DCoder - 03.10.2010, 20:37:19

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