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DFD: 936 vs. 429, 718 vs. 717
Fight 1:
#936: uh, first of all I don't understand why the requester wants that additional "heightlevel" thing added when FlightLevel should be just fine.
For weapons, isn't this covered by range already? I mean, Range DOES factor in height.
I might have missed something, but to me it seems this whole request is rather pointless.

#429 isn't much better IMO. Unless i misunderstood something, this feature doesn't add anything special, you can achieve the same with clones of the SW building that have the desired different characteristic. It may make things a bit easier, but that's about it.

Uh, really, both should die... but #429 would make something a bit easier, so it has at least some value, so kill #936.

Fight 2:
This is easier. Having more control over what exact kind of crate is left behind by a destroyed building or unit would be nice indeed (weap factory leaves firepower crate, armory leaves veterancy crate, hospital leaves healing crate; stuff like that).
De-globalization of buildup anim speed would be nice, but it doesn't have as much gameplay value, so kill #717.

Messages In This Thread
DFD: 936 vs. 429, 718 vs. 717 - by Renegade - 22.07.2010, 20:29:36
RE: DFD: 936 vs. 429, 718 vs. 717 - by reaperrr - 23.07.2010, 00:25:39
RE: DFD: 936 vs. 429, 718 vs. 717 - by Beowulf - 23.07.2010, 02:56:32
RE: DFD: 936 vs. 429, 718 vs. 717 - by MRMIdAS - 23.07.2010, 22:48:42
RE: DFD: 936 vs. 429, 718 vs. 717 - by Renegade - 27.07.2010, 02:54:13
RE: DFD: 936 vs. 429, 718 vs. 717 - by AlexB - 29.07.2010, 01:24:12
RE: DFD: 936 vs. 429, 718 vs. 717 - by Renegade - 06.08.2010, 02:03:19

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