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Recruiting for an AI Editor
The reason this forum was opened is to help improve the mod. Well, what better way to improve things than doing what this mod sorely lacks: AI?

Yep, Whiteboy's Rules V1.5 desperately needs an aimd.ini file. As it stands, I have done as much as I can to make the AI harder with AI Generals and the aimd.tlb file. But I haven't even started to do a proper aimd.ini file yet.

So I'm looking for an AI Editor. Someone who knows what they're doing (really just someone who knows how to do it without crashing the game is all I need right now). The AI Editor will basically be known as the co-creator of Whiteboy's Rules V1.5 (along with a graphics editor, if I ever decide to recruit anyone into that area).

So, if you can do AI and want to be part of this growing mod, go ahead and tell me! You will of course be given major credit, probably the most credit (besides me obviously - it's not called "Whiteboy's Rules" for nothing ya know) ^_^

I might be able to help, I'm reading up on an informational tutorial right now, but try to get someone else. I might be able to be a last resort after I finish reading this damn guide.

It's crappy grammer, but is this an XT war story? No.
OK Chris, thanks for offering - I've out you on my "last resort" list Tongue

Again, i'm going to refer you to Dcoder Tongue
DCoder does not have the time to do AI for my mod. He is far too busy with his own projects.

Come on - there must be someone other than DCoder in these forums who is good at AI!

I've found that adding new AI towards the end of a 'development cycle' really helps to show where units aren't balanced well. If a new attack you add using a new unit almost always lays waste to an AI base, that tends to mean that new unit is overpowered. If a new attack using a new unit never gets anywhere, that tends to mean the new unit isn't worth much (or maybe the defenses it faces are overpowered). The thing is, the modder himself should know what the unit can do and how it should be used in attacks, and would therefore be the best guy to write the AI for its use Wink

Try it. It's not that hard once you get started.

C-GEN: The site with the 'log the f*ck in' forum. And now we make you validate your f*cking e-mail address too.
CannisRules: It's a YR mod.
Hmm, the thing I am worried about is time. I want to get this thing released. I am always asked "when will the mod be out". You know what it's like Wink

So Cannis, can you give me a rough estimate for how long it takes to do some basic AI? By basic, I just mean to the level that the computer actually makes the new units - the strategies and refinement will come later. I'm sick of the enemy AI not making a single new thing at the moment (bar structures) :dry:

Whiteboy Wrote:By basic, I just mean to the level that the computer actually makes the new units
First, just make a taskforce which defines what units will be in the team. This is extremely simple.

Then, write a script that says what the units will do. Usually this needs to be refined as you playtest. But a simple script could be: gather at friendly base (distance determined by AISafeDistance); gather at enemy base (again distance is determined by AISafeDistance); attack anything.

Then write a teamtype that gives behavior properties to the team. Naturally it helps to know what the properties mean. This can become second nature in a relatively short time. Point the team at the taskforce and the scripttype you wrote.

Write the AI trigger that calls the team. A clone of a similar trigger for the same side or faction can suffice at first, until you are comfortable in writing your own. It is important to understand that unlike map triggers, AI triggers can only have one 'event' defined, which sets the required condition that must be true before the trigger can be used. If the units you are using should require significant teching up before they can be built, then your trigger event will most often have to be that the AI house itself owns the required structure (else the AI may appear to cheat even more than it already does by building the units too early).

C-GEN: The site with the 'log the f*ck in' forum. And now we make you validate your f*cking e-mail address too.
CannisRules: It's a YR mod.
I need to know the new units, what they can do, and their rules names.
Did you need beta testers? I'd like to volunteer.
I find it helpful if I reorganise what the existing AI can do conceptually via a Spreadsheet like Excel. Maybe sort it by side, then by types of computer teams (Spy Infiltrate Power, Attack Refinery etc.), then finally by difficulty, and then go crazy thinking of new combinations inserting them when there are gaps or non-existant types. Tongue If you're like me and lack the broad imagination to think up many many new possibilities, then you need some inspiration. This is why I try to observe as many online games as possible. Tongue

This is what I'll do when I get to the AI in YR? anyway. I've already started creating the spreadsheet, and later I can do analysis from there. Smile

[Image: moocow.gif] MooMan65 [Image: moocow.gif]
[Image: moobanner.gif]
Administrator: Den Games Network | Webmaster: MooMan's Corner
Creator: YR: Squared, MooMan's Rules, Capture Pack | Co Creator: Terrain Expansion
Quote: I find it helpful if I reorganise what the existing AI can do conceptually via a Spreadsheet like Excel.
That is indeed the best way. And with a couple of nice macros, it can even output properly formatted AI code Wink

Worth playing: 1 | 2 | 3
I have to ask Andre how he does it. He's one of the best AI people I have seen at DS, and I think he uses DCoder's program, but I don't know how he organizes his ideas.

The spreadsheet is a GREAT idea.
Could be done in PHP...

Mainly switches and checks

Online AI coder....

No.... !!

Must focus on other things....
Hmm, lots of things to think about here ^_^

Could someone please (*pokes Moo*) email me one of these conceptual spreadsheets, to give me an idea of the sort of thing going on here? It doesn't matter if it's largely in noteform or anything - I just need the basic gist of what's what. Doing spreadsheets sounds like a really great way to do things, but I just have to get into it if you see what I mean.

Chris and AlliedG, this is not the place for me to post info about the new units. Maybe I'll PM you or something - even if it is basic stuff you're offering, I'll appreciate the help you can give so that I can take it and work from there. AlliedG, if you're offering to do some basic AI coding for me that I can perhaps work from in the future, I'd much rather you be a beta tester for the mod.

Speaking of beta testing: AlliedG and ctcdmb - if you want to test, post HERE. I currently have 5 testers, I want about 7 minimum (and it looks like I will now have 6 thanks to ctcdmb).

DCoder, was that post a reference to your "special program" I've been after?

Slightly off-topic: Hey, I just noticed there are now 3 people from New Zealand I know in the RA2/YR modding community: Mooman, Sypher_5 and me (yeah I'm British but I live here). Going on the assumption that Sypher_5 is from NZ. Where abouts in Auckland do you live Sypher_5? For all I know, you might see me every day B)

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