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stolen technology
I read a post somewhere about stolen technology, but I can't remember where. The ModENC didn't help me for what I am looking for. I want to make it so if a US spy gets into to a German tech they can create something the Germans have. I have seen this:

;************ Secret Lab Section ************



Under secretunits I put when US gets into German tech they can create it, But they don't. Is it because I have it only the owner set as Germans & Required house Germans? Meaning I change owner to all & leave House alone?
Secret Lab stuff is for engineers - if you own the building, then you'll have access to a random tech from the secret lab section chosen at map load time.

For spies there are only three Tech buildings - one for each side - which correspond to RequiresStolenAllied/Soviet/Third tech

For what you want, the best you'll get is "American spies Allied".

Why didn't you search ModEnc for how this stuff works? You can't blame ModEnc for not helping you do something that can't be done.
Ever wondered what the hell is going on?
Believe me friend you're not the only one.

Check out Launch Base for RA2/YR -
Also home to the Purple Alert mod, 1.002 UMP, and the YR Playlist Manager.
i did not see the search tab....Tanx for that bit of help.

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