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side specific soundtracks - Printable Version

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side specific soundtracks - Imarafan - 09.10.2006


well i don't see it anywhere so i will post it n_nU

it could sound very dumb but i get it work in that way.... there is a lot of thigs i don't tested yet....

lets suposse that we have theese list... i have this

0=intro <---- this doesn't kerr

i see that the first 3 normal (normal= can be heared in the multiplayer games) soundtracks defines the side specific themes...

the first normal soundtrack must be allied (Side=GDI)
the second normal soundtrack must be soviet (Side=Nod)
the third normal soundtrack must be yuri (Side=ThirdSide)
the other soundtracks order doesn't kerr

that's all X_X

p.d: i can't speak english so i hope you can understand it U.U

RE: side specific soundtracks - Bobingabout - 09.10.2006

kerr = care
thigs = things
theese = these

basicly, you want to be able to set side spacific sound tracks, its not such a bad idea but:
1. this is the red alert 2 yuri's revenge section, not the rockpatch section, aka, this is where you post things that have nothing to do with hacking
2. you should post this stuff on the wiki wishlist.

RE: side specific soundtracks - imarafan - 09.10.2006


no.... i make it work...... it works.... so i post it like a tutorial.....

and no.... i think there is no rp required.....

RE: side specific soundtracks - Bobingabout - 09.10.2006

you never said it was a tutorial

RE: side specific soundtracks - imarafan - 09.10.2006


you're right X_X

bueno................. es un intento n_nU

RE: side specific soundtracks - wthigon - 10.10.2006

Yo quiero Taco Bell.... Tongue

Podras dar mejor un ejemplo?

RE: side specific soundtracks - imarafan - 13.10.2006


lo que pasa es que lo escribi mal X_X y no venden tacos donde vivo perdon U.U

esto es en thememd... no requiere RP

todo es en la lista de temas.... lo importante son los 3 primeros tacks normales

1=INTRO <------ este es el primero pero no es normal asi que no importa (Normal=no)
2=Conquer <----- este es el primer soundtrack normal.... este TIENE que ser aliado(Side=GDI)
3=Grinder <----- el segundo TIENE que ser sovietico (Side=Nod)
4=Slasherzero <------ el tercero tiene que ser de yuri (Side=ThirdSide)
5=Deciever <----- de ahi en mas el orden de los otros no importa....

asi si el primer sountrack tiene Side=GDI todos los otros soundtracks que tengan Side=GDI iran para los aliados... igual va para los otros.....

si por ejemplo el primer soundtrack no tiene Side=GDI si no Side=Nod.... el soundtrack igual ira para los aliados.... solo que las letras del loading screen seran color rojo..... y asi con los otros... y todos los soundtracks quie tengan Side=Nod iran para los aliados

y eso es todo.... X_X y asi andan los soundtracks por faccion.... aunque todavia no lo probe con un FourthSide...... via RP.....

si se entiende me encantaria que pudieras traducirlo..... justo ahora como estoy en un cyber no tengo el thememd.... despues lo subire.... y si puedo con 3 soundtracks asi lo prueban n_n

RE: side specific soundtracks - imarafan - 14.10.2006


and here is the sample.....

use xcc mixer to open it

mas claro imposible Wink

RE: side specific soundtracks - Renegade - 14.10.2006

You know, it'd help the rest of us if there at least was an English summary...

RE: side specific soundtracks - Bobingabout - 15.10.2006

looks like a re-write of the original english version at the top of the page.

RE: side specific soundtracks - imarafan - 18.10.2006


is not necesary n.n

the example is pretty simple n.n

and this is another.... much more organised and is only the thememd.ini so isn't heavy

example 2: