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Just tried it, a few bugs... - Printable Version

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Just tried it, a few bugs... - WoRmINaToR - 02.09.2009

Title says it, so here are the two bugs I encountered:

Firstly, my "stringtable01.csf" file (I am using NPatch, yes i have NP files on the file exceptions list and everything) was not recognized at all by the program, otherwise gameplay-wise the implementation of the expand*.mix and ecache*.mix files went smoothly (when is DCoder gonna finish that god-forsaken DLL?).

Secondly, after exiting YR, it decompiled my mod and disabled it etc. and then it said i got an internal error and asked me if i wanted to transfer the except.txt to my mod folder. Thing is, I got no internal error. I proceeded with the operation anyways for kicks, and then it said "LAUNCH BASE INTERNAL ERROR, FILE NOT FOUND" and generated this log:

*EDIT* Also, I cannot open launchbase anymore because it keeps trying to resume it's last action which caused the error, and continues to cause it. Shouldn't there be a way to circumvent the recovery process and launch normally?

RE: Just tried it, a few bugs... - Marshall - 02.09.2009

You have marked an awful lot of residual files as safe that probably shouldn't be...
The cause of the "you got an IE in the game" message was caused by this:
Residual file "E:\Westwood\RA2\except.txt" marked as safe by user... ignoring.
So you already had an except.txt and Launch Base has assumed that this was generated in your last session. You should NOT mark except.txt as a safe file.

Perhaps I need to place some restrictions on the residual file manager...

The Launch Base IE "file not found" - I think that was caused by the name of your mod having a forward slash in it - LB tried to name the except.txt file using the mod name and forward slash isn't allowed. I need to add code to strip out invalid characters.

As for the IE you are now getting when trying to run LB, not sure - there should be some more log entries for this. Please can you attach an up-to-date LaunchBase.log and also your LaunchBase.ini file. Thanks.

I have just uploaded version 0.99.233
This prevents except.txt, debug.txt and syringe.log being marked as safe residual files (you need to unmark these files before the disallow will take effect).
I have also fixed the crash on trying to save the except (which should be the same crash you were getting when starting LB)

Regarding your stringtable01.csf - not sure why that isn't detected. I just tried creating a mod with it in and it was detected. Where have you placed it? What other files make up your mod?

RE: Just tried it, a few bugs... - Speeder - 22.05.2010

Bumping the stringtable issue. My stringtable00.csf was not detected by the launchbase.

I tested it again after additionally placing ra2md.csf in the string table directory of mod creator. ra2md.csf was copied while stringtable00.csf not.

The only other files that are in the mod are two mix files, two video files, creditsmd.txt and subtitlemd.txt placed in the video category (although I don't think they got copied either, which section should I place txt files in?).

RE: Just tried it, a few bugs... - Marshall - 22.05.2010

Ah I see. Launch Base works on the assumption that only ra2md.csf can be read by the game. If you include some other CSF then Launch Base will try to merge it with ra2md.csf - this fails at the moment because we are waiting on DCoder's/AlexB's mix dll.

If you want to include partial CSF files "as-is" then you should put them in the video folder.

creditsmd.txt should go in the video folder. Check LaunchBase.log to see if the file was copied in or not.

subtitlemd.txt is a valid mod file? I can't find it in the game's original files so I won't have added it to LB's array of known mod files...

RE: Just tried it, a few bugs... - Speeder - 22.05.2010

It is. It was used by DeeZire to provide "subtitles" for the main screen video, I'm using it for this as well and various translations are using the file for subtitles.

I put stringtable00.csf in mix files atm, although I hope that Launchbase support for mixes and also sounds will happen in the future. Especially for sounds, because currently I have no idea how to implement except for adding audio.bag file to the mod. Unless Ares provided a possibility for sound files to be read from mixes and I missed that.

RE: Just tried it, a few bugs... - Marshall - 22.05.2010

I've just uploaded version 0.99.254 which adds subtitle(md).txt to valid mod files.

MIX and BAG creation will be added to LB/LBMC, just as soon as we get DCoder/AlexB's dll.

Ares allows loading of loose wav files, not sure if this works if they're in a MIX file but I think it does.