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Army System - Printable Version

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- Stardark - 04.11.2005

I have something really weird to tell:
By all the sabotages at my acount nothing has been destroyed, but why is my War hammer and Iron/Steel (dont exactly know) Shield gone?
It were expensive things for me, so if it was a bug, i really want it back.
And before last sabotage i had War Hammer, after that i buyed Iron/Steel Shield and i had War Hammer, so... why are both gone?

I figured out why my Iron/Steel shield was gone, that because in attacks you can destroy armory of others.
But still is the question: Where is my War Hammer?
I searched by the last attacks on my were i lost of it, but that were only 2, and by the other attack nothing of me was destroyed!

- DCoder - 05.11.2005

I didn't touch the Army code nor settings, heck, I don't even know the rules of the game. Sorry, maybe Renegade can help you more.

- Renegade - 05.11.2005

Nope, he can't. Hasn't even seen the army system for weeks.

- Stardark - 06.11.2005

Ok, thx for trying to help Smile