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Launch Base Mod Creator - Printable Version

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RE: Launch Base Mod Creator - pd - 01.06.2009

It might be just me, but I don't find any direct connection between the LB Mod Creator and the LB "mods" folder.

Let's say I'm making the LBMC my main mod manager and I want to keep my YR folder entirely clean.
In order to actually test my mod, do I need to generate an installer everytime and install the mod? [Image: 031.gif]

If that's the case, I'd like to suggest a quick install function in the LBMC.
You click it and your mod is installed without further questions or dialogs, old mod folder gets overridden.

RE: Launch Base Mod Creator - Marshall - 01.06.2009

For an in-progress mod, I had expected people to set it up in LaunchBase\mods and then make changes to it there. For example, I have
If I want to change a weapon to use a new Ares' beam effect then I edit
Save, and click launch in Launch Base (make sure Recompile Mods is turned on)

When I want to test a release candidate, then I generate a full installer with LBMC (which gets it's files from LaunchBase\mods\dev_purple) and install the mod to LaunchBase\mods\purple

That said, I do plan to add an option to Launch Base so that you can open LBP (LB Mod Creator project) files in order to quick-test them without setting them up as mods in LB. I haven't started work on that option yet but it is planned. LBMC will then have the option to run Launch Base with the currently open LBP file.

RE: Launch Base Mod Creator - pd - 01.06.2009

Alright, I'll copy that method then. Wink

RE: Launch Base Mod Creator - Drogan - 17.04.2010

I can't run the program...

"Failed to load control 'SSTAB' from TABCTL32.OCX. Your version of TABCTL32.OCX maybe outdated.
Make sure you are using the version of the control that was provided with you application."

No matter how many times I reinstall it with the latest version(0.99.109), I keep on getting that error.
Is it because I'm running on a 64-bit Windows Vista Ultimate? Or something else?

RE: Launch Base Mod Creator - Marshall - 17.04.2010

Probably need a slightly older version of the OCX. I'll get that included in the installer asap - I'm away for the weekend right now but will do it on my return!

RE: Launch Base Mod Creator - Marshall - 18.04.2010

Hang on, the installer already includes that file!

Go to your LB Mod Creator directory, do you see TABCTL32.OCX?
Right-click on it and then Properties. Then click the Version tab. Does it say ?

If so then Vista may not like it. I'll have to investigate that further, but I don't have Vista with which to test!

RE: Launch Base Mod Creator - Drogan - 18.04.2010

(18.04.2010, 21:27:37)Marshall Wrote: Hang on, the installer already includes that file!

Go to your LB Mod Creator directory, do you see TABCTL32.OCX?
Right-click on it and then Properties. Then click the Version tab. Does it say ?

If so then Vista may not like it. I'll have to investigate that further, but I don't have Vista with which to test!

I've done so. It's version
Also, I forgot to mention that the program works on my other computer, which has windows XP,
but not the computer I'm using (a laptop, btw), which has windows 64-bit vista ultimate. So, it could be that.

RE: Launch Base Mod Creator - Marshall - 19.04.2010

Can you try the following to see if it helps:

Start, Run
regsvr32 "path to your LB Mod Creator installation\TABCTL32.OCX"

RE: Launch Base Mod Creator - Drogan - 19.04.2010

(19.04.2010, 01:27:25)Marshall Wrote: Can you try the following to see if it helps:

Start, Run
regsvr32 "path to your LB Mod Creator installation\TABCTL32.OCX"

It doesn't work. I got an error that says the OCX file was loaded, but the DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x8002801c.

RE: Launch Base Mod Creator - Marshall - 19.04.2010

Are you running LB Mod Creator with Administrator privileges?
If that doesn't work, are you running regsvr32 with Administrator privileges?
If that doesn't work, what happens if you remove the tabctl32.ocx from the LB Mod Creator directory? Does that fix it?

RE: Launch Base Mod Creator - Drogan - 19.04.2010

(19.04.2010, 14:23:15)Marshall Wrote: Are you running LB Mod Creator with Administrator privileges?
If that doesn't work, are you running regsvr32 with Administrator privileges?
If that doesn't work, what happens if you remove the tabctl32.ocx from the LB Mod Creator directory? Does that fix it?
It's working now! I copied the OCX file to "C:\Windows\SysWOW64" and used regsvr32 with Administrator privileges there and now it works!

Thanks a lot! Thumbs up

RE: Launch Base Mod Creator - Marshall - 19.04.2010

Interesting, would be nice to know if it would have worked with admin privileges without registering, or if registering from the LBMC directory would have worked. Will keep a note of this.

RE: Launch Base Mod Creator - Drogan - 19.04.2010

(19.04.2010, 22:07:22)Marshall Wrote: Interesting, would be nice to know if it would have worked with admin privileges without registering, or if registering from the LBMC directory would have worked. Will keep a note of this.

Neither methods work as I get the same error with the first method, and Regsvr32 fails to load a specified module using the second method, and advises me to make sure that the binary is stored in the specified path.

Only registering at that specific path (the one i mentioned last post) would work. Then I can run Mod Creator with or without Administrator privileges.

RE: Launch Base Mod Creator - cranium - 24.03.2011

I tried to find some info pertaining to my question, but couldnt find any. Sorry if its here somewhere and i missed it. But I'm trying to put my mod together with LaunchBase ModCreator, I have all my stuff in expandmd**.mix files, but it says in the help section that ecachemd and expandmd mix files should not be put into the Mix file folder. If this is the case, where do i put them? Please dont tell me I have to pull all 1287 files out and make them loose.Arf

RE: Launch Base Mod Creator - Graion Dilach - 24.03.2011

Expandixes/ecachemixes should be put into the video folder.

The mix folder is for compiled sidexx.mixes or other submixes. In theory, LBMC itself compiles the mixes, however we all know without the dll, it can't. (And if it has the dll, the side folders can be used for sidexx.mixes)

TBH, putting loose pcx cameos and custom palettes into the video folder is a bigger flaw, it should accept them in the cameos or in the SHP folder. (since LaunchBase itself do accept them and copy them out).