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Full Version: Kamikaze bomber
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I wanna make a suicide bomber thing type aircraft which carries medium nuclear charges based off Spy Plane. The thing is how do I make it slowly lose altitude and crash so it looks realistic, not just explodes in the air above the target.
Take the missile code and de-spawnify it. If you can't do that, you lack the skillz to implement it anyway, so instead of posting "how do I do that" better practice.


Well, how come my Harrier disappears when it goes to attack?


I mean, it comes in to attack range, disappears and I see a MININUKE on the target? Damage included.


The projectile is visible now. Needed to enter FALC in the SCDMISSL1 image field, but the remap is orange. How come?
Does your art entry have 'Remapable=yes'?


Well technically, I just used the harrier art, thus making it have remapable=yes.