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DFD: 511 vs. 625, 373 vs. 349 - Printable Version

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DFD: 511 vs. 625, 373 vs. 349 - Renegade - 22.07.2010

DFD: Daily Feature Deathmatch

The Cruel Fight For Implementation

This is a Daily Feature Deathmatch post. If you are unfamiliar with the background of this event, please read the announcement, the adjustment and the schedule.

Fight 1

[0000511] Expand the country loading screen logic vs. [0000625] Mutation Immunity

Fight 2

[0000373] 00002889: tweak shp aircraft/baloon hover logic and tweak Balloon Hover weapon problem. vs. [0000349] Add a "Guard area" or "Combat Air Patrol" feature

After the fight is over, two of these issues will be suspended, while the other two move on to the next round.
Remember that the coders will not take part in the discussion, so make your arguments complete, concise and convincing - when it's over, it's over.

Part of that is clearly marking what outcome you support for which issue.
There should be no ambiguity in the issue you're talking about, and it should be clear what outcome you support. Feel free to put your stance in bold, and use simple terminology like "kill #69" or "I want #42 to survive".
This use of simple terminology should be part of a larger argumentation - if this is all your post consists of, it will be ignored. We are interested in argumentations and details to consider, not votes.

A decision will be made either way, a lack of discussion will not cause all issues to live.

Be friendly, be civil, be logical.
You are allowed to try to deconstruct the arguments of those arguing against your candidate, but remember that they don't make the call - there is really no point in getting personal.

The discussion should be contained in this thread, argumentations elsewhere will be ignored, but you are allowed to transfer and adapt points made elsewhere in the past.

We want a good, clean fight.
Let's get it on! Dual M16

These fights are largely automatically generated - if an issue turns out to be unfit for combat, it will be disqualified and the opponent will go into the queue.

RE: DFD: 511 vs. 625, 373 vs. 349 - reaperrr - 23.07.2010

Fight 1:
#511 is a purely cosmetical feature, but one that sounds more complicated and less useful than some other visual features we had before. But #625 should be easy to simulate already as outlined in its comments, so kill #625.

Fight 2:
Of #373, 2. is already fixed, and 1. has been requested separately. That leaves
Quote:3.if you try to put range weapon to your balloon hover and doesn't add turret on that unit sometime when you order it to fire weapon that unit will turn and not fire weapon anymore, can you solve this problem?
I'd like to see that fixed myself, the movement behavior of balloon hover units is indeed somewhat buggy and annoying.

Then again #349 is the most popular issue in the whole DFD tournament, and yes it would be a nice feature.
I guess #349 is more useful all things considered, so if I have to decide I vote kill #373.

But i at least want to mention, I'd like to see both issues in fight 1 killed, #349 survive and #373-3. fixed on top of that...

RE: DFD: 511 vs. 625, 373 vs. 349 - Beowulf - 23.07.2010

Kill #511. Seems like a lot of work for almost _no_ gain whatsoever. #625 would be a little more useful if ImmuneToVeins were rigged as a generic immunity.

I gotta give Fight 2 to #349. I've been dying for proper Air Patrols in YR for so long. Would make aircraft so much more useful. Couple that with the Reloading stuff and aircraft would be so win and so much more useful.

RE: DFD: 511 vs. 625, 373 vs. 349 - MRMIdAS - 23.07.2010

[0000511] gets my vote, the other issue has a workaround, although this may not work on stuff with 2 weapons already.

[0000349] is wanted by almost everyone, I am no exception, this issue is needed.

RE: DFD: 511 vs. 625, 373 vs. 349 - Lt Albrecht - 25.07.2010

*screams mad scientist-esque cliches about his creation having gained life*
Out of all 4 of these I'd really much prefer 373 & 349 over any other combination.
349: Tanks have guard mode and their targets are usually slow and easy to click (and for those that aren't they have auto-acquire), planes don't have either and their prospective targets can be fast and hard to click or numerous (e.g other planes or tank swarms) for buildings they have no problems but that's 1/4 of techtypes...
373: Everyone loves gunships, I bet they'd love them more if they worked properly...

I'm not even going to offer an argument or opinion for fight one, it's completely dead wood and useless. Almost all of it.

Can't we just have these as a 4 way FFA Ren? I mean what's the point of euthanising a good issue and taking forwards a bad one when they're both in the same thread and all.Also, it'd be in the finest traditions of RA2, if the thread is our 'map' and the issues our 'players', they won't sit there and just fight their 1 opponent...

RE: DFD: 511 vs. 625, 373 vs. 349 - Holy_Master - 28.07.2010

i have no idea for fight 1 but i support both 373 & 349

349: this make aircraft is easier to use than before it very useful i think.

373: this's only logic that make Gunship unit work perfect otherthan that it effect both voxel and shp not just only voxel like 349 [since you can't make aircraft with shp graphic balloon hover is only way to emulate air unit]

RE: DFD: 511 vs. 625, 373 vs. 349 - Renegade - 28.07.2010

Administrative Notice:

Since this is the only Round 1 DFD still open, and there was already a three-day-break in the discussion, I'm gonna close this; we will proceed to consider the arguments.

RE: DFD: 511 vs. 625, 373 vs. 349 - Renegade - 06.08.2010

Fight 1

#511 Wrote:So you may think "whats the point?", so I'll say it:
To have theatre specific loading screens!
#511 lost me right there. Way too complicated description and way too many proposed flags for a concept as simple as that.

On the other hand, as expressed in the comments of #625, I do think that request can be achieved with existing methods.
However, I'd rather implement a superfluous additional immunity than an overly complicated system with over 9000 new flags just to show a different image in the 30 seconds the game is loading.

If I'm lucky, #625 dies in the Smackdown.

Kill: #511
Support: #625

Fight 2

Hmm...let's see...#349 is the top 1 supported feature on the tracker, with an Absolute Community Support rating of 58.

I'm pretty sure voting against that would lead to my ceremonial beheading. LOL

Kill: #373
Support: #349

RE: DFD: 511 vs. 625, 373 vs. 349 - AlexB - 07.08.2010

Fight 1
As far as the loading screens are concerned, I'd support naming many background image files separated by comma and letting Ares decide randomly which one to display.

The mutation immunity would make sense. There are many ways to prevent mutations and some of them are broken. Cyborg=yes also sort-of-buggily prevents the Genetic Mutator from doing its work. I'd rather see that logic fixed.

Fight 2
No way to write anything but Combat Air Patrol here.

RE: DFD: 511 vs. 625, 373 vs. 349 - Renegade - 07.08.2010


What either of the judgements says.