[08:18:09] WinMain: lpCmdLine = ""gamemd.syr" " [08:18:09] WinMain: Trying to load control file "gamemd.syr"... [08:18:09] RP2Debugger::LoadControlFile: File validation OK. [08:18:09] RP2Debugger::LoadControlFile: Reading control file. Format version: 1 [08:18:09] RP2Debugger::LoadControlFile: Control file successfully loaded. [08:18:09] exe = gamemd.exe [08:18:09] LoadModuleImportAddress = 0x007E1220 [08:18:09] GetProcAddressImportAddress = 0x007E1250 [08:18:09] AllocAddress = 0x01000000 [08:18:09] WinMain: RP2Debugger::FindDLLs(); [08:18:09] RP2Debugger::FindDLLs: Recognized DLL: ExceptChecker2.01.dll [08:18:09] RP2Debugger::FindDLLs: Done (6 hooks added). [08:18:09] WinMain: RP2Debugger::Run(" "); [08:18:09] RP2Debugger::Run: Running process to debug. cmd = "gamemd.exe " [08:18:09] RP2Debugger::Run: Allocating 0x1000 bytes at 0x01000000... [08:18:09] RP2Debugger::Run: Filling allocated space with zero... [08:18:09] RP2Debugger::Run: Writing DLL loader & caller code... [08:18:09] RP2Debugger::Run: Setting breakpoints... [08:18:09] RP2Debugger::Run: Registering RP2Debugger::Callback... [08:18:09] RP2Debugger::Run: BreakPointInjector::Run(); [08:18:10] -------------------- [08:18:10] RP2Debugger::Callback: Hit breakpoint 0x0049F5C0. Calling "_CPY_IsLauncherRunning" in "ExceptChecker2.01.dll"... [08:18:10] RP2Debugger::Callback: Register log for 0x0049F5C0 (BEFORE the call). [08:18:10] EAX = 0x00000FE4 ECX = 0x7C802011 EDX = 0x7C97E4C0 EBX = 0x7FFDE000 [08:18:10] ESP = 0x0013F0F8 EBP = 0x0013FF34 ESI = 0x00000000 EDI = 0x00400000 [08:18:10] RP2Debugger::Callback: Jumping to DLL caller code at 0x01000001 [08:18:12] RP2Debugger::Callback: DLL function has returned. [08:18:12] RP2Debugger::Callback: Return EIP is 0x0049F5C0. [08:18:12] RP2Debugger::Callback: Register log for 0x01000000 (AFTER the call). [08:18:12] EAX = 0x00000FE4 ECX = 0x7C802011 EDX = 0x7C97E4C0 EBX = 0x7FFDE000 [08:18:12] ESP = 0x0013F0F8 EBP = 0x0013FF34 ESI = 0x00000000 EDI = 0x00400000 [08:18:12] RP2Debugger::Callback: We're done with 0x0049F5C0, store modified registers and continue. [08:18:12] BreakPointInjector::Run: Done. [08:18:12] RP2Debugger::Run: Cleaning up... [08:18:12] RP2Debugger::Run: Done. [08:18:12] WinMain: RP2Debugger::Run finished. [08:18:12] WinMain: Exiting on success.