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Full Version: Opinions needed: Representing type data on ModEnc
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I'm nearing completion of my great datasheet mapping out what properties are loaded from INI for what object types, with what argument types and default values. However, if I post each object type's information on its main page (e.g. on VehicleTypes page for all flags related to VehicleTypes) means, on each flag's individual page, entering some of the Flag template's values by hand creates duplication. I see three possible choices:
  • I can write a ModEnc extension to magically fill in those bits on each individual page, but that is likely to take a while and need updating whenever mediawiki engine updates.
  • An alternative would be leaving flag individual pages as they are and letting others correct them over time.
  • Yet another alternative would be a boatload of scriptwork for me - generating an individual includable sub-page for each flag and then letting both Flag template and the grand table of the datatype use that sub-page's information. Which is nice since information on both of them is automatically synchronized.


Edit: I should point out that some of the tables like for [BuildingTypes] or [General] are going to be long and I don't yet know if including and processing ~1000 template calls is going to make an impact on performance.
ZOMG! you're 768th post!

perhaps you should explain what you want to display a little more, then i can make a recomendation? :/
Let others do the work. Keeps the info in the right place (on the flags' own pages) and the least work involved overall I think. And, after all, you've already done enough work getting the info in the first place.
Lol @ 768, nerdy. Marshall, I do suppose that would be the easiest for me Smile And I could always code up stuff later if need be...

Bob, I mean this: I want to post a table like this on every ObjectType's main page at ModEnc:
Flags loaded from the INI files for this object type:
|                                 VehicleType                                     |
| INI file | Section name | Flag name | Flag value type   | Default value | Notes |
| Rules    | this->ID     | Strength  | integer           | 0             |       |
| Art      | this->Image  | Cameo     | string (SHP name) | ""            |       |
(repeat for 300 lines)
But that overlaps with the data provided on each flag's individual page by the flag template. Do I need to come up with a programmed way of keeping the two copies of information up-to-date, or do I just post the table and let someone else go over each flag's individual page to correct any wrong information in the Flag template?

(Note to self, Flag template lacks any info about the "Section name" column. And not all flags load by the simple rule rules=id, art=image...)
Marshall Wrote:Let others do the work. Keeps the info in the right place (on the flags' own pages) and the least work involved overall I think. And, after all, you've already done enough work getting the info in the first place.

Same opinion. In 4 weeks I'll finish my Abitur and I'll have enough time to help.

Edit: The DLL is more important in my opinion...
1000 template calls on one page wouldn't even be processed. MediaWiki has a pre-expansion template size cut-off.